InformationWeek Leadership
The Rise of Database Administrators; Designing Connected Products for Accessibility; Amazon Pauses HQ2 Construction

InformationWeek Leadership careers
March 08, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Prepare Your IT Organization for a Possible Recession
The jury is still out on whether or not the global economy is headed toward a recession, yet it's never to early to begin developing a contingency plan.

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Why Database Administrators Are Rising in Prominence

As organizations transform into data-driven enterprises, the role of the DBA is shifting from fighting fires to navigating a new world of cloud and automation.
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6 Principles to Ensure We Design Connected Products for Accessibility

We researched and identified several design and engineering accessibility principles based on existing practices to help create more equitable products, systems, and services.
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Amazon’s Pause on HQ2 Construction: PenPlace Will Have to Wait

Will the temporary halt to construction on the next phase of HQ2 affect the expected redevelopment and reinvestment in the Arlington County, Virginia area?
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  • ITSM Guide to Evaluation and Selection

    Is your ITSM ready for a refresh? While many organizations choose to continue to manage their IT Service Desk using rudimentary ticketing platforms, there are benefits to upgrading. The good news is, it's never too late to refresh, and you ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The State of Affairs in ‘Right to Repair’
Big Tech companies argue that right to repair could decrease IT devices’ performance, expose company secrets, reduce cybersecurity protections, or put safety of customers at risk. Are those realities or excuses? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Reinvent Your IT Career
With technology advancing at a breakneck pace, your current IT job may be headed into history. Here's what you need to do to remain relevant and employed. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Career Spotlight: Infrastructure Software Engineering
Infrastructure engineering may seem unglamorous to an outsider but hosts a domain of interesting and unique problems that are pertinent to a business’s health. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Congressional Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Data Privacy Policy
Witnesses offered up varied perspectives on how national policy on data privacy might affect individual rights and innovation. Read More
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