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May 17, 2017
How to prevent global threat ransomware 'Wanna Cry' from making you cry

On May 12, a ransomware attack swept the globe by force, infecting 230,000 computers across more than 150 countries. more…


Trump signs executive order aimed at improving national cybersecurity

Last Thursday, the president signed an executive order that directs executive branch agencies to modernize their IT infrastructure and cybersecurity systems. more…

Highly effective Gmail phishing scam causes alarm for IT pros worldwide

A recent Gmail phishing scam took the world by storm and compromised several Google accounts.more…

Where can you find the cracks in your cybersecurity armor?

When hackers evaluate the protections of a system, they re looking for any chinks in the armor.more…

Summer camps aim to address skills and gender gap

Summer is coming, and with it the fate of cybersecurity's future.more…

Government misses major cybersecurity plan deadline

Last week was President Trump's 90th day in office, which coincided with his self-made deadline for when he planned to have a strong and aggressive plan on improving the nation's cybersecurity efforts. more…

AI system Mayhem on display at Smithsonian

Artificial intelligence. It's so last year that it's now being displayed in museums.more…

Cybersecurity breaches cost companies billions

The financial impact of data breaches is extending far beyond any ransom payout, with lingering damages to perception being the biggest hit companies are facing. This is impacting shareholders and future revenue.more…



The Essentials of IT Management May 2017 Kit

The Essentials of IT Management May 2017 Kit brings together the latest information, coverage of important developments, and expert commentary to help with your IT Management related decisions.

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The Essentials of IT Security May 2017 Kit

The Essentials of IT Security brings together the latest in information, coverage of important developments, and expert commentary to help with your IT Security related decisions.

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