Hi SmartTrader,
Let’s face it, the real reason I would never trade a conventional covered call is due to the risks.
Conventional covered calls lose a LOT if the stock moves down.
It is, after all, a more neutral, to slightly bullish approach.
A recent conventional covered call I showed in my CashFlow Covered Calls session 1 saw the position drop more than 4,000 in one week in TSLA.
With a max risk of 37,000 if TSLA would have kept dropping.
However, I showed how to logically, simply, and efficiently reduce the overall max risk by 93.6%.
Moreover, the week ended with the conventional covered call was down 2,000, while the CashFlow Covered Call using my efficient method for reducing risk was only down $200.
I know I’ve gone through a lot of numbers here, but the one you need to remember is that I can consistently reduce the overall risks by 90%+ using my CashFlow Covered Calls method.
This opens the door to some really incredible potential returns the conventional covered call can’t come anywhere close to.
For example, I rolled my CashFlow Covered Call for a $200 loss, into a new one that has the ability to make over 1,000 if the market stays the same.
Watch how this works.
If in a scenario where the market drops 20.00, followed by a stagnation, followed by another drop of 20.00, followed by a stagnation, etc., the stock can be down 10,000 and the CashFlow Covered Call potential is around +$2,500.
No conventional call approach will ever get you anything even close to this.
Granted, this isn’t how the market works, but even if the stock went straight down every time, the CashFlowCovered Calls would be down only about 1,000 while the conventional approach is stuck at a loss of 9,000.
You’ve got to see this approach. It’s a game changer.
Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy.
Ryan Jones
Founder, SmartTrading
P.S. Every week I’ll also give you 2, exact CashFlow Covered Call trades. You’ll learn the approach (I fully reveal everything), and then you’ll watch me implement it. You can’t beat that. Be sure to watch this video now as this is for a LIMITED TIME.