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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

What Do You Want to Learn?

There are lots of resources for learning: articles at SQL Server Central, blogs, user groups, SQL Saturday and other events, conferences, and more. In most of those cases, the editor, author, or speaker is deciding what they want to write about. If you want to learn something different, you need to go search out that information. You can certainly request topics from others, but they may or may not listen to you.

At least not as an individual.

Steve Rezhener put together a survey for what topics you'd like to learn about. A few others, including myself, gave him feedback and he's published this for people to use. It was intended for SQL Saturday organizers and speakers, but it can work well for anyone producing information. I've created some shortlinks at SQL Saturday that you can use to take the survey and see the results.

This is open-ended, and none of the items are required. It's long, but just answer the items you care about. While it does ask for places you'd attend events, you can answer or leave this blank. I love surveys like this one, since I can pick and choose and don't have to answer every question.

I plan on analyzing this data every month or so and publishing a report, which helps me decide what to request or publish here, but also which topics I might speak on in the future or what I might plan a SQL Saturday around. I would love to see more niche events, especially virtual ones. If some of you out there want to be an MVP, run a virtual event on your niche topic. Ping me and I'll help you get going.

The results of a survey like this might also help you decide where you should drive your career. If a lot of people are interested in something, likely it's relevant to their jobs. Perhaps you ought to follow the crowd a bit if you aren't sure what things might bring opportunities for you in the future.

If you'd like to see more topics or different choices, drop Steve a note and I'm sure he can add to the form.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

How to Rename a Column in SQL Server

Nisarg Upadhyay from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to effectively rename columns in SQL Server using our comprehensive guide. Explore the use of sp_rename, limitations, and best practices

External Article

Effective Strategies for Storing and Parsing XML in SQL Server

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

XML is a common storage format for data, metadata, parameters, or other semi-structured data. Because of this, it often finds its way into SQL Server databases and needs to be managed alongside other data types.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Book Review – Fundamentals of Data Engineering

Koen Verbeeck from Koen Verbeeck

This book was recommended by some of my colleagues, so I decided to give it a try. After finishing the book, I was pleased that I did. As the...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How to give developers access to Query Store

hellosqlkitty from SQLKitty

Let’s have devs look at their own query performance. Yes, please, sign me up for that! Sometimes, it’s hard for me to know the best course of action, especially...

Pro Encryption in SQL Server 2022

Pro Encryption in SQL Server 2022: Provide the Highest Level of Protection for Your Data

Additional Articles from SQLServerCentral

This in-depth look at the encryption tools available in SQL Server shows you how to protect data by encrypting it at rest with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and in transit with Transport Level Security (TLS). You will know how to add the highest levels of protection for sensitive data using Always Encrypted to encrypt data also in memory and be protected even from users with the highest levels of access to the database. The book demonstrates actions you can take today to start protecting your data without changing any code in your applications, and the steps you can subsequently take to modify your applications to support implementing a gold standard in data protection.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Disable Memory Grant Feedback Persistence

In SQL Server 2022, how can I disable memory grant feedback persistence?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The Secondary Database Name in an AG

I am setting up a SQL Server 2022 Availability Group and I am ready to restore the database on the secondary. The primary database is named Finance. However, we also use this instance for QA and already have a database named Finance. How do I configure the AG to use a different database as the secondary?

Answer: You cannot do this. Both databases must be the same name in an AG.

Explanation: One of the requirements for an AG is the database names are the same on primary and secondary(ies). Ref: Prepare a secondary database for an Always On Availability Group -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
increase in database size - Hi All, We have a 2 TB disk to stored of the sql database files. db has 3 data files and 1 log file. log file is stored on a different drive. The issue is with the data file drive. Current disk usage (E:\ drive) reached is 1.20 TB out of 2TB. After monitoring for […]
indexes cleanup - Hi All, Recently we are having issues with disk space requirements. After monitoring db file growth for a week,we found the index file is growing rapidly (100gb-500gb). Other data files and log file space usage is stable. So, we wanted to clean up some of the unused indexes. So, what is the criteria. Based on […]
Unknown queries showing in SQL Sentry tool - Hi. we are noticing this following query frequently in our production environment in SQL Sentry. They are definitely not from application. Do you know what it could be and how we can track it down? SELECT do.object_name as [object_name], do.schema_name as [schema_name], do.referencing_type_desc as [type_desc], do.referencing_type as [type], ds.referenced_server as [referenced_server_name], do.referenced_database as [referenced_database_name], do.referenced_schema […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
SHOWPLAN documentation - The most recent documentation I can find is this which is showing as retired. Does anyone know if there is a newer version which applies to 2016? Apologies for asking for assistance with searching. I have searched extensively and not been able to find it. I'm guessing the content is still accurate for 2016 […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
error -SQLVDI: Loc=SignalAbort. Desc=Client initiates abort. ErrorCode=(0). Proc - Hello experts,   Recently we have migrated sql 2012 to 2019 post migration Az VM  while running db bkps into url  ,we are getting  alerts error   SQLVDI: Loc=SignalAbort. Desc=Client initiates abort. ErrorCode=(0). Process=5924. Thread=7452. Client. Instance=. VD=Global\{EA1DBCBD-17D1-4C54-884D-07424674DC54}2_SQLVDIMemoryName_0. Pls suggent
SQL Server 2019 - Development
JOIN with TVP ignoring Index - I have a table with 35 million rows.  I am querying this table by joining it to a single column TVP on an indexed column. The TVP contains a single row. SQL chooses to do an index scan on the whole table and it takes about 15 mins to run. If I add a FORCESEEK, […]
Encryption & Decryption in SQL Server - Dear All, I have a requirement as below, Export a table/query output in a file with encrypted format. Import the file content to a table in a different server SQL database and decrypt the content. I request forum members to help on this please. Thanks in Advance! Chella      
Reporting Services
YTD Not working - Hi All Please see the below screen shot, YTD column is nit working. Showing the same as complete year values. =(Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Application_Patient_Payment_Amount.Value) - Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Unapplied_Patient_Payment_Due_To_Refund_Amount.Value)) + Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Application_Insurance_Payment_Amount.Value) + Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Application_Insurance_Recoup_Amount.Value)   Thanks
Analysis Services
SSAS Multidimensional Configuration - Hi Everybody, I could really use some help. My company uses SQL Server Analysis Services 2019. We have a 75gb multi-dimensional cube. 95% of our report data is sourced from the cube. We also have several teams that refresh their excel workbook connections. For the past couple of months, we have been plagued with CPU […]
Integration Services
SSIS task that runs a PowerQuery - is there a good tutorial on how to get SSIS to run a PowerQuery and then write the results to a SQL Server table? (Don't use SSIS, use Python?) I already have a PowerQuery that reads and parses a table from a PDF file, cleans it up and then lands it in PowerBI, but I'd […]
SQL Server 2022 - Administration
Cannot Force Encryption - SQL Will Not Take Cert - Hi there, I have a sql server on government AWS and we're trying to satisfy a requirement to force encryption on the server.  I have tried creating self signed certs and we have obtained official certs from DoD, but the SQL configuration manager will not accept the certificates.  I have been able to get it […]
SQL Server 2022 - Development
Sub Queries Optimization - (SELECT Column1 FROM Table1) as --5 Table1_1 ON table3.Column1  = Table1_1.Column1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT Column1 FROM Table1  GROUP BY Column1) As --6 Table1_2 ON Table1_1.Column1 = Table1_2.Column1 Could you Please let us know how to optimize above sub Queries
UNION ALL Optimization - select Colum1 , Colum2  from  table 1 Union All select Colum1 , Colum2  from  table 2 Union All select Colum1 , Colum2  from  table 3 How to Optimize above 3 Queries into one.
Case Statement Optimization - CASE WHEN ( Table1.Column IN (@Parameter1) OR b.cat3 = 1 OR (Table1.Column='XXXX' AND SV.Column IN ('XXX')) OR (Table1.Column='XXXX' AND SV.Column IN ('XXX') ) And C.value = 1 ) Case when ( Table1.Column IN (@Parameter1) OR b.cat3 = 1 OR (Table1.Column='XXXX' AND SV.Column IN ('XXX')) OR (Table1.Column='XXXX' AND SV.Column IN ('XXX') ) And C.value = 2 […]
Removing Filestream - How? - Hello, we are migrating our SQL Server database and one of the tasks is to stop using Filestream.  I am wondering how do I extract all the actual files from the filestream data file?  How can I get access to the actual files so that we can store them elsewhere?  I have tried doing google […]


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