Thanks for reading the September 22nd, 2017 edition of EnterpriseMarketingNews!


How to Resolve Budget-Draining Facebook Ad Mistakes

There's no denying that Facebook ads can be a potent marketing tool when done correctly. The social media giant offers numerous options for reaching a wide range of consumers and marketers are taking notice. As a matter of fact, 92% of marketers are now using the platform for their ad campaigns. But like any marketing strategy, Facebook ads can be disastrous financially if they're not planned properly, a fact that countless businesses have discovered.

Luckily, there are a number of best practices and tips that can help you get the most from Facebook ads. Read on to learn about the usual mistakes to watch out for when posting ads on Facebook and how to resolve them.

1. Focusing on the Wrong Demographic

Facebook has arguably developed one of the best ad targeting capacities in the digital realm, which is why the social media site is so effective in reaching various demographics. Unfortunately, many businesses are not taking advantage of this feature. This is a dire situation as focusing on the right demographic can mean a 1,000% difference in cost per click rates. There are two things you can do to ensure you're targeting the right people – administer a customer survey and make use of Audience Insights.

A customer survey will give you valuable insight on your basic target, like age, gender, location, job function, lifestyle, and purchasing habits. This will provide you with a clearer picture of who your clients are and give you information on what you can filter via the Facebook Ad Manager. Meanwhile, Audience Insights can assist your campaign by showing you other groups that share the same interests as your target audience, giving you a wider demographic.

2. Forgetting to Exclude Conversions

One mistake that can drain your advertising budget is forgetting to exclude conversions. Businesses who have launched multiple Facebook campaigns often commit this error, and it's a costly one considering that not only are they sending messages to those already converted, they're also running the risk of irritating said converts.

You can resolve this problem by setting up the custom audience feature. With this feature, you can develop a list of people who have already visited particular pages on your site and exclude those that are already a client.

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