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CIO First Look

November 13, 2020

How to run a successful IT apprenticeship program

Running an effective IT apprenticeship programs can help your company diversify your talent pipeline, fill skills gaps and upskill and retain workers on the latest technology. Read more ▶

Image: 4 mistakes companies make with SaaS cost estimating

4 mistakes companies make with SaaS cost estimating

The devil, as they say, is in the details. Don't get tripped up on these common mistakes when calculating SaaS implementation costs.

CIOs on the hook for governance as automation rises

With business leaders increasingly pushing for automation, CIOs must step up to help guide how and where such technologies should be deployed.

10 tips for modernizing legacy IT systems

IT modernization is a key component for establishing an agile, responsive enterprise. IT leaders lend advice on how to transform legacy tech into digital assets.

With IT salaries dropping, some hard-earned skills still pay

Employers are still willing to pay highly skilled IT staff a premium — but certification is making much less of a difference than it used to, a study shows.

New US CIO appointments, November 2020

Find up-to-date news about executives who have been recently hired or promoted into a new chief information officer or chief technical officer role.

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