TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 21, 2017

How to Save the Internet

By David Morris, AlterNet

Not the Comcasts or the Verizons or the AT&T monopolies of the world.  READ MORE»

U.S. Government Lifts Ban on Making Viruses More Deadly and Transmissible

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Like a horror movie prologue. READ MORE»

As Republicans Celebrate Plundering Tax Bill, Democrats Hope It Will Be A Nail in the GOP's Coffin

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Early signs suggest the tax bill may help Democrats in 2018 like Obamacare helped the GOP in 2010. READ MORE»

Minnesota Man May Get New Trial After Jurors Admit They Thought He Must Be Guilty Because He's Black

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

It's enough to get a new hearing, if not a new trial. READ MORE»

Trump's State Department Explicitly Doesn't Care About Human Rights Anymore

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

In a flashback to Henry Kissinger, U.S. foreign policy no longer even pretends to care about human rights. READ MORE»

House Republicans Can't Answer One Basic Question About the Tax Bill They Just Signed Into Law

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Not even the legislation's co-author seems to know how many tax brackets it creates. READ MORE»

“The Rape of Recy Taylor”: How Rosa Parks Helped a Sharecropper Report Her Assault & Seek Justice

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The #MeToo movement was a long time coming. READ MORE»

Former Republican Nicole Wallace Wonders If the GOP Is Just 'Dead Inside'

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The conservative MSNBC host went there Wednesday night. READ MORE»

Planning to Get a Little Intoxicated This New Year's Eve? Here Are Some Ways to Be Safe and Have Fun

By Derek Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A guide to safer partying.  READ MORE»

Don Lemon Cracks Up On Air Watching Republicans Lavish Trump with Praise

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The CNN host asked if he was watching an "SNL" sketch. READ MORE»

How Latin America Bucked the Trend of Rising Inequality

By Alice Evans, The Conversation

Lessons all Americans need on sustained, successful resistance.  READ MORE»

Nikki Haley Embarrassed America by Bullying U.N.: Ex-NATO Ambassador

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

"I don’t know if she’s been ordered to do this, but it’s not going to be effective." READ MORE»

Bonkers Right-Wing Obama Birther Conspiracy Theory Arises

By Alex Kaplan, Media Matters

Conspiracy theory reaches local talk radio and fake news websites.  READ MORE»

New Trump Tax Calculator Shows How Much You'll Pay With This New Law

By Theo Thimou,

If you're not already rich, you're out of luck. READ MORE»

How a Tiny Village Became the First Place in the World to Ban All Synthetic Pesticides

By Philip Ackerman-Leist, Chelsea Green Publishing

The Italian village of Mals has set an international precedent—and a model for other communities to follow. READ MORE»

Civil Rights Group Reaches Agreement With Mississippi to Reinstate Over 100,000 Driver's Licenses Suspended for Non-Payment of Fines

By Southern Poverty Law Center Staff, Southern Poverty Law Center

A victory for the working poor, and proof that poverty is not a crime. READ MORE»

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