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Bitcoin Market Journal

Over 100,000 crypto investors trust the Journal.


July 14, 2022

"Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement."

  - Claude M. Bristol

Whale Reads

Whale Reads

Worthy news for aspiring whales

Is the World Really Falling Apart? (New York Times): While things may seem bleak, humanity is actually better off than recent generations by nearly every measure. This article explains the cognitive dissonance that makes it feel otherwise -- especially for those of us in rich countries. (Most of the world is optimistic!)

How to Be a Part-Time Optimist (Wall Street Journal): When the markets are melting down, keeping a positive investing mindset is critical to spot new opportunities. This companion article gives simple tips -- or "mind hacks" -- on staying positive.

Investor takeaways:

  • Create a positive mental streaming channel in your head, that highlights the good things in your life.
  • Reframe negatives as positives (losing investments can be "tuition paid" for a valuable life lesson).
  • Take some small positive action today: uninstall a time-wasting app, or reach out to a friend.

Block Market Daily

with Mati Greenspan

Hi everyone

Though tough periods like this throughout history have a way of seeming like the world is about to end, they're usually preceded and followed by extended periods of peace and prosperity. Don't ask me for a source on that previous statement. I made it up.

If there's a central theme of crypto, blockchain, Web 3.0 and the metaverse, it's the notion that the world is moving away from centralized top-down forms of governance to explore more decentralized models of leadership.

Bitcoin is decentralized money, ethereum is decentralized computing, and in my mind, it's only a matter of time before the upper echelons of government will be replaced by more efficient networks that are less susceptible to manipulation and corruption.

So even though the world is in a tight spot right now, I believe that what comes next will be truly utopian.

(More on this tomorrow in a panel I'm moderating called Investment DAOs at CoinGecko's GeckoCon. Message me for free tix.)

Walking from Wolves

With great power comes great responsibility. A tool like the internet, which in my mind is still in diapers, especially Web 3.0 with its transaction finality, means we're all gonna have to be a lot smarter if we want to make it to the next level.

Even though it was a tough lesson to learn, especially for everyone affected by the recent platform bankruptcies and withdrawal freezes, ultimately this bear market is a blessing in disguise. Alex Mashinsky and others like him have been revealed to be wolves in sheep's clothing. Their claims that people should not trust banks are true, but that doesn't mean you should trust everyone using the phrase crypto in their tagline.

That's why I believe that after all this blows over, the lesson we'll have learned is that we shouldn't trust anyone. Code becomes law and only transparent verifiable code is deserving of our trust. Decentralized finance is still in its infancy and these tough times will be what pushes the toddler to walk.

Follow the Money

The nightmare is over. If last month the crypto industry was in agony from the shock created by bitcoin's sudden plunge, this month I smell a lot of optimism in the air.

Market participants are currently hitting the grind harder than ever before, consolidating and rebuilding from the rubble of the bear market devastation. One crypto analyst pointed out that crypto companies saw only about $7 billion in M&A activity in June. According to his calculation, we've already seen $10.8 billion so far this month, and we're only halfway through.

That's it from me today. Wishing you an awesome week ahead! 

Best Regards,

Mati Greenspan,

Analysis, Advisory, Money Management

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Bitcoin Market Journal is a daily newsletter that makes you a better crypto investor. It is created by Evamarie Augustine, Charles Bovaird, Mati Greenspan, John Hargrave, and Alexandre Lores.

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