NWC Update
Network Computing
September 14, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Stay Up and Running When the Cloud Goes Down – and Avoid Lock-ins
The dominance of a small set of cloud providers means many businesses find themselves in ‘one-stop shops’ where vendor lock-in remains a huge issue, especially when outages occur.

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Successfully Implement Zero Trust to Secure Hybrid Environments
Advanced Zero Trust solutions can support all hybrid environments in which applications are provided via the cloud to ensure the security of today’s remote and onsite workforce.
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Patching vs. Uptime: What You Need to Know About Securing Industrial IoT Networks
Misconfiguration, ransomware, and alert fatigue could lead to downtime on industrial IoT networks in industries such as manufacturing and energy.
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Is It Time to Clean Up Your Network Management Tool Bench?
Network management tool sprawl is getting in the way of network management. It’s time for IT to do something about it.
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Wi-Fi 7 May Be Closer Than You Think
Wi-Fi 7 products, due out in 2024, will offer significantly more performance for enterprise users and can support more users in denser environments compared to Wi-Fi 6. Read More
Exploring the 6G Spectrum Landscape
6G will leverage many different bands and tools to meet the ever-growing demands and expectations for cellular communications. Read More
How to Minimize Multi-Cloud Complexity
Successfully juggling multiple clouds can sometimes feel like performing a circus act. Fortunately, a few simple tricks can keep the task from becoming a showstopper. Read More
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