Good morning, Marketer, don’t let summer pass you by.

Irritation with vendors is almost universal in business and sometimes it’s even justified. Everyone has a story about the time a vendor did “that thing” that almost ruined the project. We tell them to each other because it’s an experience we all have in common. Also, they’re a lot more fun than stories about everything going smoothly or “the time the vendor saved the day.” Those happen, too.

As much as we hate to admit it, usually we are partly responsible if there’s a problem with a vendor. To help with that read Gene De Libero’s great, quick guide on handling vendors. The short form: Do your homework, know what you’ve got and how it operates, and have a very clear understanding of where you want to be when the project finishes. Gene’s version is a lot more helpful than that. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

5 steps to martech stack success

How to be sure you're in the driver's seat, not the vendor.

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Facebook agrees to revamp adtech over discrimination charges

Second time company has settled a federal lawsuit about advertising bias.

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Why clean data is key to organizational success

Without clean, actionable data, brands will have a difficult time succeeding in digital marketing.

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Webinar: Protect Your Paid Advertising Spend Against Ad Fraud and Invalid Traffic

Over half of all internet traffic is generated by bots. Learn how to verify advertising engagements and proactively block invalid traffic.

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Movable Ink’s Da Vinci thinks outside the campaign box

Movable Ink's new Da Vinci AI offering is aimed at serving lifetime customer value rather than immediate revenue maximization.

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Real Story on MarTech: Most important vendor selection tips

Important lessons to keep in mind when choosing technology.

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A CDP is not a CRM, DMP or marketing automation platform

Download this MarTech guide to customer data platforms to find out exactly what a CDP is and whether or not you need one.

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The rise of omnichannel content platforms

Omnichannel content platforms will likely not replace your existing content management systems—but co-exist with them.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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Quote of the Day

“We made a decision a long, long time ago to be different from our neighbors to the south. We love them but we’re not them. We’re different. … [These changes] will foster the creation of good jobs in the cultural sector, make Canadian content more accessible, and make it easier for people to find homegrown Canadian music and stories.” – Pablo Rodriguez, Canadian minister for cultural affairs, on new rules requiring YouTube, TikTok and streaming services to add more content made in Canada

From Search Engine Land

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