Understand exactly what you are trying to achieve before you tackle a project and be realistic about how long it will take you, Rose Leadem writes. This infographic by SavingSpot shows how you can clarify your priorities and list them in order of importance.
Let go of your need to be a perfectionist, be open to taking risks and try to learn from your mistakes, executive coach Bonnie Marcus writes. Visualize what success would look like if you didn't let your concerns get in the way.
Build relationships with your co-workers and learn their work preferences to help ease tensions in open-plan offices, Stephanie Vozza writes. If an issue arises, have a professional chat and be open to their point of view.
Lauren Bonner, head of talent analytics at Point72 Asset Management, has filed a gender-discrimination lawsuit against her firm that alleges executives hold "no girls allowed" meetings and pay women less than they do men. Bonner has created a program to recruit more diverse employees but says women have trouble getting ahead at her workplace.
You may not have been a good fit for the company culture or role even if the interview went well, writes Michele Lando. The company may have also decided to hire an internal applicant even though you had the required skills.
Remember that a "bad day" won't have a lasting effect, and you'll have a new opportunity to start fresh tomorrow, Kat Boogaard writes. Don't bear all the blame if something went wrong, and try to focus on one positive thing that happened during the day.
People who sit for prolonged periods of time have less thickness in the brain's medial temporal lobe than those who stand and move around more often, a recent study finds. Thinning in the lobe results in worsened episodic memory.