I see more and more recipes for cooked diets on the Internet. It seems meal preparations for dogs are popping up on cooking sites. I do think most of these people are sincere, but many have no idea about what dogs need, versus what people need. People comment how much their dogs love these recipes and gobble them down! Of course, anything tastes better than kibble, fresh food has flavor, it is moist and smells better! But it isn’t the idea of cooked diets being posted all over the Internet, it is the proportions. Consistently I see low protein content, and a poor choice of fiber (i.e., carbohydrates are vegetables, fruit, and grains) that often is in a larger proportion than the animal protein. All the peas, carrots, rice, spinach, broccoli looks like a lovely salad, with a side of chicken or turkey. Tossed together, it could be chef salad! Great for us, but not great for dogs. So why is that? |