Good morning, Marketer, hope you’re keeping it cool.

I think we can all agree competition is a good thing. It lowers costs, increases efficiency and provides more choices for the customer. Sometimes that last part can get overdone. For example, there are nearly 10,000 different martech solutions currently available. As a result there is always something new and different to consider adding to your stack. And, after all, a bigger stack must be better, right?

However, as Anita Brearton points out in her article, neither bigger nor smaller is better. What matters is effectiveness. She lays out guidelines for how to assess that and how to tell if you’ve got a case of stack bloat. I think you’ll find it very useful.

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

My stack is bigger than your stack, so what?

Martech stacks must be judged by effectiveness, not size.

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Google, NBCUniversal duking it out to be Netflix adtech provider

Both companies offer a lot of expertise, but ads could further alienate viewers.

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A hands-on solution for powerful digital experiences

You’re Invited! Join Scot Gillespie, CTO and general manager at Arc XP and AWS, for a special conversation on rich experiences tailored to your needs.

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AI and machine learning in marketing: Are you deploying the right models? 

Three areas where AI marketing can help: marketing data management, customer intent, and opportunity and purchase prediction.

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Webinar: Use Data to Create Next-Level Customer Experiences at Scale

Personalizing your marketing campaigns for one customer is easy, but how about one hundred or thousands of customers across multiple marketing channels?

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When it comes to marketing technology, ends come before means

Speakers at The MarTech Conference's day two keynote say it's past time to put the horse in front of the cart.

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Who thinks you’re customer-driven, you or your customers?

Every marketing team claims to be customer-driven. Learn how to validate if you’re making the lives of your customers easier or harder.

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What are the key elements of successful ABM strategies?

This MarTech guide looks at why B2B companies use ABM software and describes the key elements of successful ABM strategies and the capabilities ABM tools provide.

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Digital marketing’s contribution to company performance rated as down significantly

The 11% drop can be attributed to higher expectations and more advanced attribution analyses.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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