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B-Naturals Newsletter

February 2023

By Lew Olson, PhD Natural Health

All of our pets/service animals
mean a lot to each of us.

We at B-Naturals agree to keep everyone
happiest is to feel our best and that starts with
a healthy diet, exercise, and high quality supplements.

Therefore, from February 7-21, 2023 use the
coupon code: 


for a 10% discount on your order—no limits.
Feel free to use it twice in case you forget something!

Pasanen Sales , LLC.                     from Bob & Nancy
PO Box 194, Winter, WI  54896                                                Office:  715-266-3513
email                                              Cell:  715-699-5144

Postage Changes
The US Postal Service has made some recent changes as you probably already know.  The changes that you might not be aware of is the change in some of the Priority Mail rates.  In the past, we were able to get a good rate on a couple of regional rate boxes which many of you have received.  We used the smaller box most of the time when someone ordered two one-pound jars.  The larger regional rate box was great for three or four one-pound jars.  This regional rate has very recently been discontinued.  Other rates have risen as well.  The problem is that our website doesn’t respond to this.  We are working to rectify the situation.
Until we get the website updated, the B-Naturals website will continue to make customers believe they are paying for Priority Mail, when in reality it is usually only collecting at the current Parcel Post Ground rate.  However, there do seem to be some inconsistencies and there are times when the shipping rate will be an amount needed for Priority Mail.  I watch this carefully and will send items Priority as much as possible.
I’m really hoping we can get this figured out as soon as possible.  We appreciate everyone’s patience and apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
                                                Bob &

How to Treat and CURE IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colitis or IBS)

Check out Lew Olson’s Easy-to Follow on-line video courses - Cooked Diets or Raw Food Diets videos.

Now there is a fast and easy way to learn! Click here to learn about Canine Nutrition and preparing Raw and Home Cooked Diets!
Click Here:

Check out Lew Olson’s on-line video courses
Click the button below
View Lew's Courses
Lew’s New Book is also available and makes a great gift for any dog lover!! 

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised: The Definitive Guide to Homemade meals!

This is a definite ‘must have’ for every dog lover! Lew Olson’s revised edition is filled with an abundance of new topics and information. Whether you are new to home feeding or a seasoned raw feeder, have a senior dog or a new puppy, a pregnant mom or a toy breed, this book presents all the information you need to make the best nutritional decisions for your dog.

Click to View Lew's Raw and Natural Nutrition Book
View Book

Lew Olson’s
K9Nutrition Facebook Page is another great resource for canine nutrition help and advice! If you have been following Lew on her K9Nutrition Yahoo Group, you will thoroughly enjoy her Facebook page. Join today!

Click to view the K9Nutrition Facebook Page
View K9Nutrition Group

Lew's Fan Page on Facebook! You will find canine nutrition and diet tips, and you can see what her fans are up to. Sign up today and invite your dog-loving friends to join too. It's educational and lots of fun!

Click to view Lew's Facebook Fan Page
View Lew's Fan Page

How to Treat and CURE IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colitis or IBS)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, IBD, is a health condition that is very common and continues to raise the most questions on the K9Nutrition Facebook page and in private consults. I have written about this topic before – more than once – and yet it continues to be a plaguing disease among the canine community. IBD generally starts with the dog having diarrhea. Then it occurs more frequently and sometimes with urgency. Occasionally vomiting occurs and eventually weight loss accompanies IBD.

It is often puzzling and frustrating for dog owners as this disease can be difficult to diagnose. This is because there are numerous other health conditions that can cause similar symptoms. Some of these include parasites (hook and whip worms), certain medications, ingesting a toy or other non-food item, cancer, over-feeding, or feeding too much fat or fiber in the diet. Since dogs can’t talk, they can’t tell us what hurts or what might have caused these symptoms. Veterinarians are left to search for clues and run tests to try to find the cause.

Often an endoscopy is done. This consists of putting a scope into the dog’s intestines to look for damage or inflammation. When inflammation is present, without evidence of tumors or cancer, IBD is diagnosed. Often at this point, veterinarians prescribe antibiotics and steroids, and advise feeding prescription dog food.

Want to Feed the Best Diet for Your Dog, But Don’t Know How?

Now there is a fast and easy way to learn! Check out Lew Olson’s easy-to-follow, on-line course videos! Read on to learn about Canine Nutrition and preparing Raw and Home Cooked Diets!
Click for Video
Click to View

While these things work – at least temporarily – they only mask the problem. The steroid medication takes down some inflammation for a time and the high-fiber prescription food works by removing excess moisture from the stools. However, the steroids cause other side effects if used long term, and the high-fiber diet continues to irritate the digestive tract lining, which continues to cause inflammation and discomfort.

Veterinarians will often speak of food intolerances and ask owners to feed a single protein. I do not agree with this perspective. Some improvement may be seen with just a food change, but if it is a dry food, the irritation will continue. Additionally, when dogs are fed only one protein source, they can develop allergies and/or nutritional deficiencies on such a restricted diet when fed long term.

In my opinion, several things can lead to Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Oftentimes, IBD is seen in dogs that are anxious or stressed easily, have a lot of energy, are more reactive, and they have been fed a dry commercial dog food throughout their life. When you combine this type of temperament with dry food, the dog may secrete more gastric juices causing additional irritation to the intestinal lining. When this continued irritation occurs over time, it leads to thickening and inflammation of the intestinal lining.

So what is the best answer? The first thing I suggest is to only feed a moist diet. Moisture in food helps with digestion and is less irritating. I would also suggest a fresh food diet – either home cooked or raw. A raw diet can be carbohydrate free, which offers less fiber to irritate the small intestine. Dogs are NOT designed to ferment food or handle fiber. I suggest a low-glycemic, low-fat cooked diet to start OR, a lower fat raw diet. You can lower the fat content by removing all the skin from (remove all skin from chicken, use low fat meats and low or non-fat yogurt and cottage cheese). You can find more information on these diets in these newsletters:

Carbohydrates and Low Glycemic Diets Part I

Carbohydrates and Low Glycemic Diets Part II

Secondly, and very important, I suggest feeding three to four smaller meals daily to start rather than one or two large meals. Smaller meals are easier to digest and allow the digestive tract some time to heal.

Lastly, it is important to add supplements that help heal the intestinal lining and form better stools. These include:

L-Glutamine is an amino acid that, when given in the right amounts, helps heal the digestive tract lining.

Animal Based Digestive Enzymes help break down and predigest fats in the stomach making them easier to pass through the small intestine.

Probiotics, which contain the good bacteria, help heal the digestive system and replace the ‘good’ bacteria that gets lost with prolonged diarrhea.

You can find all of these supplements in the Berte’s Digestion Blend. I designed this blend specifically for Buddy, a dog I had years ago that had IBD. Prior to changing his diet and adding Berte’s Digestion Blend, I could hardly get him to a show, due to his severe stress and diarrhea. When I changed his diet and added the Digestion Blend, he became well after 6 weeks and never suffered another incident of IBD again for the rest of his life. After he was healthy, he obtained his CD (Companion Dog, or obedience title) and his AKC Championship! I also suggest giving Berte’s Immune Blend at full dose for several months, or until you know your dog is completely healed. I also recommend feeding your dog four smaller meals daily and dividing the dosage evenly between each of the four meals.

The healing process takes time and patience. This disease oftentimes gets better, then it takes a step back. It then gets better again, then gets slightly worse, and then gets progressively better. Depending on the severity of the IBD in each dog, healing can take from two to six weeks on average. Once the intestinal lining has healed, more fat can be added to your dog’s diet. If you are feeding a home cooked diet, I suggest the Low-Glycemic, Regular Fat diet. If you are feeding a raw diet, you can also add more fat. Once healing has occurred, you can also move from four meals daily to three, and eventually back to two meals a day!

Should your dog start exhibiting any of the symptoms again, restart them on the Berte’s Digestion Blend and go back to feeding three to four meals per day. In some anxious dogs, stress can cause a relapse. Some stress situations can include boarding, traveling and surgery with anesthesia. However, oftentimes, if you are feeding a raw or home-cooked diet, once the dog has healed, relapses are rare. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Happy Valentine's and use code LUVPETS from Feb 7 to 21 for 10% off. No Limits!
Pasanen Sales LLC
PMB 110
330 S Main St
Rice Lake, WI 54868
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Lew Olson
For Consults:
Phone: 1-713-303-5639

Click this link for on-line Course Videos

Click this link for Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals
Pasanen Sales LLC

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