InformationWeek Cloud
Data Pipelines and AI Training; AI Enhancing Cloud Interoperability; Eric Idle at RSA, Making Tech Stranger

InformationWeek Cloud
May 08, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Trim Your Cloud Budget
Cloud costs are rising. Here’s how to keep ‘cloudflation’ from busting your budget.

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Building Strong Data Pipelines Crucial to AI Training

Accurate AI models depend on quality training data, which means a well-built data pipeline is critical to collect, clean-up, and filter data before training use.
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Leveraging AI, Machine Learning to Enhance Cloud Interoperability

Organizations looking to improve interoperability between clouds could consider artificial intelligence and ML technologies to help automate tasks, but the undertaking requires a clear roadmap.
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What Just Broke?: And Now for Something Completely Different

A throwaway line from comedic legend Eric Idle at the RSA Conference provokes a thought -- can the layperson help tech become stranger and stronger?
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Trends Driving SaaS Mobile App Development in 2023
Here’s a quick take on the rapidly changing trends impacting the mobile app development industry. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
RSA Takeaways: New Awareness Needed vs Sophisticated Cyberattacks
Bad actors are taking advantage of generative AI and social media, but defenders are also changing tactics. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
4 Big AI Sustainability Prospects, and One Big Problem
With the hype swirling around AI’s generative language possibilities, some of the less discussed benefits could drive innovation for a sustainable future. But there’s a snag that needs a solution. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
NSA Gives Assessment of Cyber Threats from Russia, China, and AI
International adversaries present ever more aggressive risks to cybersecurity while generative AI might accelerate attacks -- and possibly defense efforts. Read More
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