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Search marketers: you have the key to CTV

You know your paid search skillset is tailor made for  unlocking major returns on your ad spend.

But what if you could take those same skills and transform television into a demand-generating, conversion-capturing performance channel? Well, we have the right guide for you.  

Whether you’re looking for new opportunities to grow your business, or you’re running into the dreaded  diminishing returns on your budget—Connected TV represents a major opportunity to add a new, fully measurable ad channel to your marketing mix.

Explore the takeaways from The Search Marketers Guide to Connected TV, and discover how you can use your know-how to bring television into your year-round performance planning. Download the guide to discover:

  • The seven paid search best practices that you can immediately put to working generating results on Connected TV. 
  • How Connected TV generates new demand to boost your other ad channels.
  • Why it can complement your existing paid search campaigns and keep your brand top of mind for when it’s time to buy.
  • The need-to know-stats and strategies that can will help set you up for success.