Good morning, Marketer, and here are some cheerful thoughts about the metaverse.

You have your metaverse marketing strategy in place, right? No, I thought not, and don’t worry because according to the experts I talk to we are going to be waiting a couple of years before it actually exists. And let me tell you, it’s strange to be researching a story about something that doesn’t exist.

Thanks to VR and video games, of course, one has some idea of what the metaverse will be like. It seems such an inviting place. People, including the vulnerable and the young, will be able to cut themselves off from reality even more decisively than when playing an immersive video game. They’ll be able to do so for many hours at a stretch, wandering (virtually) through an environment, large parts of which are likely to be controlled by Facebook or Google or other giant companies that have proved so capable of creating safe digital environments, enhancing both our mental health and our social interactions.

Okay, you detect some sarcasm there. The alternative to a metaverse dominated by big walled gardens might be Web3. But that’s a whole other story.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

How to use display ads to build your sales pipeline

Display ads can be help brands improve their sales pipeline with creative, persona-based stratgies.

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NBCUniversal launches comprehensive NBCUnified platform

Advertisers will be able to engage millions of consumers with person-level ID across entertainment, e-commerce and sports channels, as well as a theme parks.

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Webinar Tomorrow: Avoid an Identity Crisis--Know Your Customers, Post Third-Party Cookies

As the clock ticks closer to the disappearance of third-party cookies, marketers want to make sure they are reaching all their customers – the known and unknown. Will identity resolution be a smooth transition without third-party cookies? Join experts from Redpoint Global, as they delve into how marketers will overcome the loss of third-party cookies and be able to learn even more about their customers.

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Omicron is not engaging TV news audiences

Suprising data from Samba TV shows numbers of Omicron cases and reach of cable news shows heading in different directions.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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Living the agile marketing values: A do’s and don’ts guide

Collaboration over siloes. Experiments over opinions. These are just agile marketing values to live by

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Marketers look to upgrade their 3D digital experiences as the metaverse approaches

While 3D experiences can get a customer closer to a sale, marketers can also glean valuable insights from customers about those interactions.

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What we’re reading. Social commerce is a model brands, retailers and platforms must embrace. It’s set to be a $1.2 trillion space by 2025. An excellent explainer on the social media space from Accenture: “Why Shopping’s Set for a Social Revolution.”

From Search Engine Land

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