The Termius client allows you to create SSH connections with ease and even use SSH key authentication, commands and scripts when you connect. Find out how it all works.
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The right Python developers will distinguish themselves with experience in developing projects similar to the position you’re trying to fill. This hiring kit from TechRepublic Premium includes a general job description, sample interview questions and a basic want ad to help you determine who is right for the job.
From the hiring kit:
Python is a widely used general-purpose interpreted programming language. It’s a high-level language that can support multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional programming and procedural styles. Because of this language versatility, the skills, specializations and experience of Python developers tend to vary considerably.
It is important the search for candidates for Python Developer be as project-specific as possible. Narrowing a search to candidates with specific experience in coding and developing applications similar to your project will save time and eliminate mismatches. However, because the code is designed to be highly readable, all candidates should be able to write code that is clear, clean and concise with proper indentations and delineated code blocks.
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