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How I manage clients is one of the questions I get asked most from web and graphic designers - and I understand why. Back in the day, when I was just starting Indie Shopography, I felt the anxiety of doing my work well, but it not being as fruitful because clients felt miffed, struggled with the process, or sometimes just bailed.

I made it my mission to not ever allow a client relationship go south because I wasn’t doing my job well enough, so I dove deep into the processes around not only giving my clients a great final product, but a great experience as well.

Maybe you struggle with...

Whatever it is, client relationships don’t have to be the hard part of of your job. You could...

This is not make-believe. In my years of hustling out Indie Shopography, I have managed projects that left clients happy and my creative pursuits fulfilled, all on schedule and without any scope creep.

Join me for my webinar:
6 Keys to Managing Client Projects and Launching Websites on Time on Wednesday, July 27th at 5pm EST.


I hope to see you there.

Emily Thompson

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