TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 27, 2017

How Trump's Thuggish Style Incites and Rationalizes Violence

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

America's new normal: attacks on reporters and demonstrators exercising their free speech rights. READ MORE»

'We Have an Obligation to Speak About Donald Trump's Mental Health Issues... Our Survival as a Species May Be at Stake'

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

"Malignant reality is taking hold" in American politics, says psychiatrist Bandy Lee, who held a conference on Trump's mental health. READ MORE»

Trump’s Budget Betrays Millions Who Trusted Him by Adding Desperation to Their Lives

By Robert Greenstein, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Trump launches a new Gilded Age, leaves everyone else behind. READ MORE»

Screw You: Betsy DeVos’ Top Adviser Led a For-Profit University That Defrauded Students and Hoovered Up Federal Student Aid

By Jennifer Berkshire, Have You Heard

Now Robert Eitel is tasked with "right-sizing" the Department of Education. What could possibly go wrong? READ MORE»

Trey Gowdy Is the Perfect Trump Stooge in House Russia Probe

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

The South Carolina congressman’s absurd interrogation of CIA alum Brennan isn’t a show meant for you—it’s all for Trump’s base. READ MORE»

Washington Post Can't Stop Running Op-Eds by Lobbyists Pushing Their Clients' Weapons

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

They never disclose conflicts of interests.  READ MORE»

20 Fantastic International Resistance Signs from Trump's First Foreign Trip as President

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The whole world is watching with a mixture of horror and disgust. READ MORE»

Fake Ads in the Time of Trump

By Barbara Koeppel, Truthdig

Like the National Association of Manufacturers, Boeing in April took out a full-page ad in the Washington Post, congratulating Trump on his first 100 days in office. READ MORE»

Hillary Clinton Roasts Donald Trump in Wellesley College Commencement Speech

By Katie Serena, Salon

Clinton offers empowerment, advice and more than a few well-timed shots at Donald Trump to her alma mater. READ MORE»

'He Got Me Hook, Line, and Sinker': Trump Voters Struggling With Opioid Crisis Realize They Were Duped

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

"He's turning his back on people" with proposed Medicaid cuts, complained one struggling Trump supporter. "He's a liar." READ MORE»

Nader on the Challenge to the Failed 'War On Drugs'

By Ralph Nader, AlterNet

The assumption that a “tough on crime” approach will reduce addiction and abuse has been proven wrong and misguided. READ MORE»

Selling Sex: Wonder Woman and the Ancient Fantasy of Hot Lady Warriors

By Christian-Georges Schwentzel, The Conversation

Wonder Woman's feminism has a lot of twisted history to contend with. READ MORE»

Our 'Selfish' Genes Contain the Seeds of Our Destruction—but There Might be a Fix

By John Baird, The Conversation

Are our genes leading to humanity's downfall? READ MORE»

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