Plus, how militia groups use disasters to legitimize their violent tactics, and more...
September 15, 2020
How White-Collar Criminals Get Away With It

Current laws target low-level employees and let the worst offenders off the hook.

By Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein


The Era of Disaster Militiaism in America The vigilantes running wildfire checkpoints in Oregon are the latest right-wing militants to take advantage of a crisis.By Melissa Gira Grant
The Biden Adviser Who Gives Climate Activists Nightmares Ernest Moniz served as Obama’s secretary of energy. His ties to the fossil fuel industry have only deepened since then. Will Biden give him his old job back?By Kate Aronoff
Why Aren’t Voters Blaming Donald Trump for the Bad Economy? Tens of millions are unemployed, hungry, and behind on the rent. But the economy is barely registering as an election issue.By Alex Shephard


The Most Hysterical Worst-Case Election ScenarioIf you’re worrying that Democrats wouldn’t concede a Biden defeat, you’re just concern-trolling while American democracy wobbles.
By Matt Ford
American’s Food Supply Chain Was Already Deadly. Then Came the Wildfires. As blazes devour California and Oregon, farmworkers are risking their lives by showing up for the harvest. What other choice do they have?By Nick Martin


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