Dear John

2019 is here. Are you excited? Relieved? Anxious?

How will 2019 be for you?

One thing is for certain - 2019 will have ups and downs and surprises both good and bad.

The question is - will you respond or react?

The choice is YOURS.

Sometimes we can choose our circumstances and our relationships. Sometimes they just happen to us. However, we can choose how we respond to them.

Easy? Not at all. But much easier than dealing with the consequences of reacting rather than responding!

As you reflect on 2018 and begin to imagine what 2019 can be - just remember - maximizing 2019 and moving closer to the person God created you to be is up to you.

It’s YOUR choice.

Choose To Win!


P.S. If you are ready to Choose To Win why don’t you join me at Ziglar HQ for our first ever 2-day Choose To Win workshop? Details here:



Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306