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November 10, 2016

How Will Donald Trump’s Presidency Affect the Restaurant Industry?

Throughout the 2016 election, the restaurant industry has suffered losses in business and is now still questioning its fate after Donald Trump was elected the next president of the United States on Tuesday.[related][slideshow:1673]Arizona, Colorado...Read More
Donald Trump

10 Chains That Will Be Serving Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is the holiday that, more than any other, conjures images of home-cooked meals and extended families gathering around the dinner table to enjoy them. But that’s not the case for everyone. In fact, the National Restaurant Association...Read More

Mom Could Face Jail Time for Selling Ceviche Online

Mariza Reulas, a single mom of six in San Joaquin County, California, could potentially face jail time for selling homemade ceviche online.[related][slideshow:3302]The mother was cited by officials for selling an illegal substance, which in this...Read More

How to Plan a Romantic Thanksgiving When It’s Just the 2 of You

Thanksgiving isn’t the first holiday that comes to mind when you think of romance. Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Eve have that reputation locked down, while Thanksgiving seems more likely to involve eating too much and falling asleep on the couch....Read More
Happy Couple at Thanksgiving

12 Foods and Beverages Banned Around the World for Reasons Both Sane and Silly

Various foods and beverages are banned in countries around the world for numerous reasons, but food regulatory policy is far from objective. Some countries have a preventative approach to food safety and implement regulatory laws based on the...Read More

20 Awesome Thanksgiving TV Episodes to Stream Right Now

Poor Thanksgiving… Though this holiday is filled with rich traditions and some of the best food of the year, it doesn’t get the same special TV love as other celebrations. But just because Thanksgiving isn’t tied to the horror genre like Halloween...Read More
Family watching TV

The World’s Most Expensive Limited-Edition Chips Are $56 and All Sold Out

St. Eriks Brewery in Sweden created a high-class snack for its high-quality craft beer: a $56 box of five potato chips.[related][slideshow:3964]The pricey chips, created by chef Pi Le, comprise rare Nordic ingredients such as matsutake mushrooms...Read More
St. Eriks Bryggeri

4 Turkey Treats From Pinterest That Are (Almost) Too Cute to Eat

Though the bird itself ends up cooked and on your dinner plate for the holiday dinner, there’s no denying that the turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving. From parade floats to décor to stuffed animals for children, the turkey takes over the month of...Read More
Nutter Butter Turkey

Toblerone Changes Its Iconic Triangular Shape, Angers Chocolate Fans

Toblerone, the Swiss chocolate bar that has a voracious following, angered its fans this week with the announcement of a brand-new shape.[related]The Toblerone bar is notably made in a triangular shape — mimicking the outline of the Swiss Alps — but...Read More
Tobler-oh no! Some things must stay sacred.

‘Food for All’ App Lets You Buy Cheap Restaurant Leftovers

Tech startups in the food industry have been popping up all over, such as David Chang’s Ando delivery-only service, and now there’s an app that allows its users to purchase leftovers from local restaurants.[related][slideshow:1633178]Food for All is...Read More
Food For All
Check it out
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