Dear Reader,
Did you know consciously or subconsciously anticipating a negative outcome can make you sick? The Nocebo Effect is the first book to investigate this fascinating phenomenon and offers strategies that you can adopt to reduce harmful outcomes.
Throughout history, there have been numerous instances of the nocebo effect. Take, for example, "The June Bug" incident from a US textile factory in the early 1960s. Many employees began to feel dizzy, had an upset stomach, and vomited. Some were even hospitalized. The illness was attributed to a mysterious bug biting workers. However, when the CDC investigated this outbreak, no bugs or any other cause of the illnesses could be identified. Instead, it appears to be an illness caused by the mind -- that is, sickness due to expectation.
Recent studies highlight the nocebo effect’s role in treatment side effects. Consider statins for high cholesterol, the higher incidence of complaints after negative media reports of certain medicines, and the mysterious illnesses associated with the Havana Syndrome, during which dozens of U.S. government employees fell ill after reportedly being exposed to an unidentified sound wave in Cuba.
We are only beginning to understand the power behind this effect. The Nocebo Effect brings together the research of top experts in the field, providing you with the knowledge and tools to protect yourself from its effects on you. |