Cloud Savings; Berners-Lee on Privacy; DevOps in the Cloud; and More...

InformationWeek Cloud
October 15, 2018
Cutting Cloud Waste, Painlessly
Don't let needless spending diminish the value of your cloud resources. Here's how to cut costs without hurting results.

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Should You Migrate Your DevOps Architecture to the Cloud?

Advancements in the cloud sector and interest in DevOps have organizations wondering how the two initiatives can work together.
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Berners-Lee Wants to Build a Safer Internet for All

Imagine an Internet where each individual has control over their own personal data and privacy. Web pioneer Tim Berners-Lee has a plan for just that approach.
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Cloudera Hortonworks Merger Aimed at Enterprise

Two of the big three independent Hadoop distributors -- Cloudera and Hortonworks -- are merging, and the big winner may be the enterprise.
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Experian CIO: IT Standardization Drives Agile

Consumer credit reporting company Experian's IT infrastructure and data storage is measured in petabytes, so standardizing on a technology stack has meant a lot of change and big rewards.
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How Headless CMS Fits into Modern Web Architectures
Many traditional Web Content Management (WCM) and CMS vendors are providing headless content deliver...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Tools You Need for DevOps
Having the right tools can make the cultural transformation that is DevOps much easier. Read More
10 Tips for Managing Cloud Costs
Cloud cost management is a key pain point for enterprises, but these expert tips can help optimize your cloud spending. Read More
5 Lessons for SREs and Their Teams
Now that Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) has become a cool job there's been some washing of the title. Read More
The Next Generation of IT Support
The workforce is changing as businesses become global and technology erodes geographical and physical barriers.IT organizations are critical to enabling this transition and can utilize next-generation tools and strategies to provide world-class support regardless of location, platform or device Read More
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