Identify and amplify your personal strengths that make you a great leader
Best practices for managing confrontation in the workplace
Increase Your Leadership Presence:
How You Can Make a Bigger Impact

Being perceived as a leader is the essence of executive presence.

It's the ability to walk into a room to deliver a message, with everyone hanging on your every word. Of course, your competence, education, experience and ability are crucially important. But to get your message across, your personal presentation makes the real difference and impact.

In this workshop, we'll help you identify and amplify your personal strengths that make you a great leader. We'll also help you tune out discouraging distractions and detractors, while fueling yourself through constructive criticism and feedback.

By the end of this practical, insight-filled online workshop …


You'll know

Responses to common difficult situations women leaders face, including sexual harassment and "emotional" backlash
Keys to becoming a transformational leader
Exercises to build and strengthen your innovative muscle

You’ll be able to

Overcome stereotypes that serve as leadership challenges for women
Build a stronger leadership presence with creative techniques
Tap into your authentic, confident, innovative self to identify the best ways to maximize your productivity, passions, and leadership
Increase Your Leadership Presence »

Online Workshop + Your Questions Answered + At Your
Convenience Recording 

Eligible for HRCI credits


Hope to see you there,

The Progressive Women's Leadership Team