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Monday, 3 April 2023


Pedro Sánchez underlines the fundamental role that the B-40 will play in the mobility of the metropolitan area of Barcelona

The President of the Government of Spain has visited the works on the B-40 tunnel, an example of the executive's commitment to the economic and social development of Catalonia, which will contribute to completing the high-capacity road belt around the city of Barcelona.


Pedro Sánchez: "I have conveyed to Xi Jinping that Spain supports Zelenski's Formula for Peace and I have encouraged him to hold talks with the Ukrainian President"

The president has met with the three highest authorities in the country: President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Qiang and the President of the National People's Congress, Zhao Leji.


Pedro Sánchez: "Europe and Asia must join forces to address global challenges and seize every opportunity to promote dialogue and cooperation"

The President of the Government of Spain is taking part in the annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia, which promotes economic integration in Asia under the motto 'An uncertain world: Solidarity and development cooperation in the midst of challenges'.


The Government of Spain extends the Iberian mechanism limiting gas prices and approves the Families Act

The mechanism that decouples the electricity price from the evolution of gas has been extended until 31 December. The executive has also approved 13 projects for technological innovation networks and the regulation extending the recognition of family diversity and support for families and children.


Pedro Sánchez visits the areas affected by the fire in Castellón and underlines the commitment to the recovery of the affected municipalities

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has travelled to Castellón to visit the areas affected by the fire affecting this province and the province of Teruel.


Pedro Sánchez announces changes in the Health and Industry, Trade and Tourism Ministries

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has made an appearance to announce the changes in his government, after communicating them to the King, Felipe VI, at La Zarzuela Palace.


Pension reform: what are its keys and who benefits from it?


Miñones: The HIPRA vaccine is an unprecedented scientific and health milestone that shows Spain's commitment to improving people's health


Spain improves forecasts and closes 2022 with a deficit of 4.8% of GDP thanks to strong economic growth and job creation


Planas: "Very constructive meeting with Minister Özdemir to discuss and get his views on the priorities of the Spanish EU Presidency"


Garzón urges linking EU consumption to the ecological transition


Scholarships 2023-2024 with the largest budget in history are now open

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es