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Updates to RIDDOR guidance

There are no changes to legal requirements, but the updated guidance will help you understand how and when to submit a report under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).

The improvements are based on feedback from stakeholders.

Main changes to the guidance:

  • more direct links to guidance on types of reportable incidents to help you decide whether a report is required
  • improved guidance on who should and should not report under RIDDOR
  • improved guidance on what is meant by a work-related accident
  • information on when an occupational disease is not reportable
  • increased clarity on when an over-7-day absence should be reported

Main changes to the forms:

  • questions about severity of injuries have been frontloaded to help you quickly decide if your incident is reportable
  • pop-up messages now redirect you if the incident is not reportable
  • guidance has been improved to make the forms easier to use
  • injured or affected people now have increased number of options when completing the gender field

Find the updated guidance on RIDDOR

Updates to publications on gas safety

Our publication 'A guide to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (as amended)' (L80) now has updated guidance on regulations.

It provides advice and explains regulatory requirements, including changes made under the Gas Safety (Management) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 which came into force on 6 April 2023.

The publication is for anyone who has duties under the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (as amended). For example:

  • gas conveyors
  • emergency reporting service providers
  • gas shippers
  • terminal operators

You can download the updated publication at the HSE website.

Updates to publications on controlling legionella bacteria

Our technical guidance publication 'The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems' (HSG274: Part 1), has been updated.

The guidance for managing the legionella risk presented by evaporative cooling systems has been improved in several areas.

These changes include:

  • further information on DPD No 1 testing methodology
  • the effect that cooling water pH has on the efficacy of halogen-based biocides such as chlorine and bromine

Many organisations rely on this test to ensure correct dosing of their systems. The pH correction of free-halogen test results is a vital part in ensuring that you have sufficient biocide in your system to prevent the growth of legionella.

Note that the second edition of HSG274 has been reviewed and updated in Part 1 only 'The control of Legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems'.

Download the updated publication from our website

Safety notice issued: Manufacture, storage and carriage of thermites and thermite-containing articles

HSE has issued a safety notice for those involved in the manufacture, storage and carriage of thermites and thermite-containing articles.

HSE has identified that goods including substances and articles that meet the criteria for classification as dangerous goods are not being properly classified.

Failure to properly classify goods may result in:

  • the hazards associated with those goods not being properly communicated to people working throughout the transport chain and emergency services
  • the safeguards expected to be in place to protect people and places when these goods are manufactured and stored not being fully implemented

For more information view the safety notice.

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Health and Safety Executive - 5N1 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS