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GB MRL amendments (adopted April 2024)

There have been recent amendments to the GB maximum residue level (MRL) Statutory Register, setting new statutory levels.

In order tomeet the requirements of international trade, new MRLs have been set in the GB MRL Statutory Register for the following active/commodity combinations:

  • Pydiflumetofen/ root and tuber vegetables; bulb vegetables; flowering brassica; kohlrabis; leaf vegetables, herbs and edible flowers; stem vegetables; barley; oat; rye; wheat; sugar beet roots; and chicory roots

  • Bentazone/ soyabeans; bovine liver; sheep liver; goat liver; equine liver; other farmed terrestrial animals liver; and milk

  • Tricyclazole/ rice

  • Trifloxystrobin/ sugar beet roots

The new MRLs for pydiflumetofen came into force on 5 April 2024; the new MRLs for bentazone, tricyclazole and trifloxystrobin came into force on 30 April 2024, as indicated in the GB MRL Statutory Register.

View the evaluation reports, reasoned opinions and decision documents supporting the new MRLs on the HSE website.

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