HSE has issued a safety alert after incidents of damaged and dislodged gratings risk harm to personnel on offshore installations

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Risk of damage to grating systems on offshore installations during rig moves

HSE has issued a safety alertwarning dutyholders (including operators and owners of offshore installations) undertaking rig moves on the UKCS that the grating-systems (used on walkways and deck areas) on offshore installations can be damaged or dislodged during rig moving operations.

The grating systems can be damaged by adverse weather conditions such as wave impacts. Damage can occur when moving rigs including towing, moving semi-submersibles, jacking, or manoeuvring jack-up rigs. The condition of grating systems may also deteriorate over time.

The safety alert sets out the actionsoperators and owners of offshore installationsshould take to rectify any potential problems with grating systems (walkways and deck areas) on offshore installations.

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