We would like your feedback about our statistics website

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Health and Safety Executive

Statistics ebulletin

Issued: 17 January 2025

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HSE statistics website usage survey

We need your feedback about our statistics website.

HSE would like to know how you use the webpages and the health and safety statistics that we provide.

Your feedback is valuable, even if you don't use the site regularly.

Complete this survey before 21 February 2025. It will only take about 10 minutes.

How you’ll help

We want to better understand your needs and preferences so that we make sure the statistics website works well for you and gives you all the information you need.

Your feedback will help us to identify how we can improve and what’s important to you.

Why we need your help

We’re always trying to improve both our statistics work and our website. Regular consultation with our users helps to ensure transparency and accountability and is part of our obligations under the Code of Practice for Statistics.

The health and safety statistics pages on hse.gov.uk receive over 300,000 visits each year. They provide robust data on various topics, including ill-health, injuries, historical trends, industries, and the cost of ill-health and injuries.

Most annual statistics are released each November and are used in multiple ways. Users can create charts and tables for reports or conduct independent analyses. These statistics also play a crucial role in informing policy decisions.

Your feedback will help us understand what you like about the site, what could be improved, and any additional needs you may have.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at statsfeedback@hse.gov.uk

The Health and Safety Executive turns 50

Created by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, HSE celebrates 50 years this month, having been officially launched on 1 January 1975.

Get more information and access useful links and resources in our HSE turns 50 news article. 

Health and Safety Executive - 2.2 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS