TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 28, 2017

Hugh Heffner Damaged Countless Women's Lives—Let's Not Pretend Otherwise

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Civil Rights supporter or not, the Playboy icon was a sexual predator, hardly better than Bill Cosby. READ MORE»

Duke Psychiatrist: America Is Having a Nervous Breakdown

By Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon

Author Allen Frances puts Trump on the couch, and reveals how we might regain our sanity. READ MORE»

Watch Tucker Carlson Flip His Lid When He's Told He Doesn't Understand What It's Like to Be Black

By Media Matters Staff, Media Matters

"You're wearing thousand-dollar cufflinks, don't give me the victim card!" READ MORE»

Adjunct Professors Are So Poorly Paid They're Sleeping in Cars and Turning to Sex Work

By Alastair Gee, The Guardian

Desperate times have called for increasingly desperate measures. READ MORE»

Trump Might Think White Nationalists Are 'Good People,' but His FBI Director Says They're a Major Terrorist Threat

By Dan Engelke, AlterNet

Christopher Wray claims agency is conducting as many as 1000 separate investigations. READ MORE»

North Carolina Hate Rally Unravels as White Nationalists Turn on Each Other

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Sponsor Richard Spencer has already pulled out of the event. READ MORE»

Seth Meyers Nails the Eerie Similarities Between Trump and Right-Wing Lunatic Roy Moore

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

It's all about the bigotry. READ MORE»

The Right's Feverish Flag Worship Would Have Baffled the Founding Fathers

By Rick Shenkman, History News Network

A historian dismantles conservatives' new crusade against NFL protesters. READ MORE»

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