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  Good Morning, Do! Today is Thursday, July 8 Thank you, Clyde !!!! Thank you, Ginger !!! Thank you, Leonard !!! Thank you, Paul !!! Thank you, Kurt !! Thank you, Carol !! Thank you, John !! Thank you Richard! Thank you, John! ___________________________________________________ If you can spare a coin, PLEASE hit PayPal with it! ___________________________________________________  Man arrested for killing girlfriend in Phoenix  ___________________________________________________ Today, July 8 in 2010 The Solar Impulse completed the first 24-hour flight by a solar powered plane. ____________________________________________________ When a man says he approves of something in principle, it means he hasn't the slightest intention of putting it into practice. --- Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898) ____________________________________________________ A Bonehead award goes to Frank Green of San Antonio Texas who, when sentenced to seven years in jail, carried on about how seven was his unlucky number, pleading and begging the judge not to give him seven years. So the judge gave him eight years instead. ____________________________________________________   Carolyn Jaynes ____________________________________________________ A truck driver who had been delivering radioactive waste for the local reactor begins to feel sick after a few years on the job. He decided to seek compensation for his ailment. Upon his arrival at the workers' compensation department, he is interviewed by an assessor. Assessor: I see you work with radio-active materials and wish to claim compensation. Trucker: Yeah, I feel really sick. Assessor: Alright then, Does your employer take measures to protect you from radiation poisoning? Trucker: Yeah, he gives me a lead suit to wear on the job. Assessor: And what about the cabin in which you drive? Trucker: Oh yeah. That's lead lined, all lead lined. Assessor: What about the waste itself? Where is that kept? Trucker: Oh, the stuff is held in a lead container, all lead. Assessor: Let me see if I get this straight. You wear a lead suit, sit in a lead-lined cabin and the radio-active waste is kept in a lead container. Trucker: Yeah, that's right. All lead. Assessor: Then I can't see how you could claim against him for radiation poisoning. Trucker: I'm not. I claiming for lead poisoning. ____________________________________________________ An INTERNATIONAL BONEHEAD AWARD has been earned by  Guillermo Diaz, 42, Phoenix, Arizona, USA  Man arrested for killing girlfriend in Phoenix  Police have arrested a man in connection to a shooting death that was originally reported as a suicide in Phoenix. According to Phoenix Police, 42-year-old Guillermo Diaz was arrested after his 41-year-old girlfriend, Corina Leyva, was found shot inside a home near 51st Avenue and Osborn on July 3. "While on scene detectives located evidence to support that this was not a self-inflicted gunshot wound," police said in a statement. Diaz was booked into jail and is accused of murder.  
DearWebby's tech support pits from: Carolyn re: Auroras Dear Webby I know, this is not a good time for auroras, but do you have a stash or link to a site, that has a stash? My grand daughter is an aurora fanatic and I already gave her all the aurora pictures that you had ever sent. I would appreciate it if you could s end me some links. Carolyn Dear Carolyn Yes, July is better for aurora watching in Australia than here, however this Friday there will be a collision / tangle of slow and fast solar winds. That usually produces some exciting auroras. If you can drive out of the city, you should be able to get her some very memorable auroras, that she will talk about for years. Here is a picture taken by Harlan Thomas on June 3, 2021 NorthWest of Calgary, Alberta: It is just a "boring" single color aurora, but for mid summer, it is quite spectacular. The orange clouds in the North make it extra special. You can go to and get aurora alerts and even a 27 day space weather forecast. Have FUN! DearWebby
Bill said the power went out recently. His wife, Kathy heard a plane flying low overhead. She noticed the plane's landing lights were on and said, "Must not be a widespread power outage -- the plane's lights are on." She was lucky she was not downtown. I heard that during the latest power failure in Los Angeles thousands of people were trapped for hours on store escalators.
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 The visiting church school supervisor asks little Johnny during Bible class who broke down the walls of Jericho. Little Johnny replies that he does not know, but it definitely is not him. The supervisor, taken aback by this lack of basic Bible knowledge goes to the school principal and relates the whole incident. The principal replies that he knows little Johnny as well as his whole family very well and can vouch for them, if little Johnny said that he did not do it, he as principal is satisfied that it is the truth. Even more appalled the inspector goes to the regional Head of Education and relates the whole story. After listening he replies: "I cannot see why you are making such a big issue out of this; just get three quotations and we'll choose a contractor to fix the silly wall." ____________________________________________ >From Carol A 3-year-old went with his dad to see a litter of kittens. On returning home, he breathlessly informed his mother that there were two boy kittens and two girl kittens. "How did you know?" his mother asked. "Daddy picked them up and looked underneath," he replied. "I think it's printed on the bottom." ____________________________________________ There once was a conservative college in the east coast that had a standing rule, the heat was to be turned off in the dormitories when the school went on summer daylight savings time. Unfortunately, this year, winter decided to stick around a bit longer. Students in both the men's and women's dormitories complained about the bitter cold, but were told that nothing could be done. After days of no heat and no respite in immediate sight, the ladies realized that their dorm faced the equally cold men's dorm. They turned a bed sheet into a banner with the message, "TURN ON THE HEAT OR WE'LL TURN ON THE BOYS!" The thermostat was turned up rather hastily. ______________________________________________ 
Ophelia Dingbatter's NewsNo sermon and not suitable for church, just jokes and fun for grownups. Read it on-line or subscribe. If you subscribe, look for the double opt-in confirmation request.
 Today, July 8, in 1099 Christian soldiers on the First Crusade march around Jerusalem. 1608 The first French settlement at Quebec was established by Samuel de Champlain. 1663 King Charles II of England granted a charter to Rhode Island. 1693 Uniforms for police in New York City were authorized. 1709 Peter the Great defeated Charles XII at Poltava, in the Ukraine, The Swedish empire was effectively ended. 1755 Britain broke off diplomatic relations with France as their disputes in the New World intensified. 1776 Col. John Nixon gave the first public reading of the U.S. Declaration of Independence to a crowd at Independence Square in Philadelphia. 1794 French troops captured Brussels, Belgium. 1795 Kent County Free School changed its name to Washington College. It was the first college to be named after U.S. President George Washington. The school was established by an act of the Maryland Assembly in 1723. 1815 Louis XVIII returned to Paris after the defeat of Napoleon. 1865 C.E. Barnes patented the machine gun. 1879 The first ship to use electric lights departed from San Francisco, CA. 1881 Edward Berner, druggist in Two Rivers, WI, poured chocolate syrup on ice cream in a dish. To this time chocolate syrup had only been used for making ice-cream sodas. 1889 The Wall Street Journal was first published. 1889 John L. Sullivan defeated Jake Kilrain, in the last championship bare-knuckle fight. The fight lasted 75 rounds. 1907 Florenz Ziegfeld staged his first "Follies" on the roof of the New York Theater in New York City. 1950 General Douglas MacArthur was named commander-in-chief of United Nations forces in Korea. 1960 The Soviet Union charged Gary Powers with espionage. He was shot down in a U-2 spy plane. 1963 All Cuban-owned assets in the United States were frozen. 1981 The Solar Challenger became the frist solar-powered airplane to cross the English Channel. 1986 Kurt Waldheim was inaugurated as president of Austria despite controversy over his alleged ties to Nazi war crimes whne he was a youngster. A Socialist vendetta, similar to the one against Trump, got him ousted eventually. 1997 The Mayo Clinic and the U.S. government warned that the diet-drug combination known as "fen-phen" could cause serious heart and lung damage. 1997 NATO invited Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic to join the alliance in 1999. 2010 The Solar Impulse completed the first 24-hour flight by a solar powered plane. 2021 Do smiled. 

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