Good Morning, Do! Today is Saturday, June 26 ___________________________________________________ If you can spare a coin, PLEASE hit PayPal with it! ___________________________________________________ Manhunt Underway for 'Coward' Who Shot Police Officer in Head - Huge Reward Offered. ___________________________________________________ Today, June 25 in 1936 The Focke-Wulf Fw 61 made its first flight. It is the first practical helicopter, but for political reasons saw no action in WWII. ____________________________________________________ The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations. --- David Friedman ____________________________________________________ While on maternity leave, a woman from our office brought in her new bundle of joy. She also had her seven-year- old son with her. Everyone gathered around the baby, and the little boy asked, "Mommy, can I have some money to buy a soda?" "What do you say?" she asked. Respectfully, the boy replied, "You're thin and beautiful." The woman reached in her purse and gave her son the money. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ As the coals from our barbecue burned down, our hosts passed out marshmallows and long roasting forks. Just then, two fire trucks roared by, sirens blaring, lights flashing. They stopped at a house right down the block. All twelve of us raced out of the back yard, down the street, where we found the owners of the blazing house standing by helplessly. They glared at us with looks of disgust. Suddenly, we realized that we were all still holding our roasting forks with marshmallows on them.... ____________________________________________________ An INTERNATIONAL BONEHEAD AWARD has been earned by Othal Wallace, 29, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA Manhunt Underway for 'Coward' Who Shot Police Officer in Head - Huge Reward Offered A multi-agency manhunt is underway for the suspected shooter of a Daytona Beach police officer. The officer's body-cam recorded the attempted murder. The suspect, 29-year-old Othal Wallace, is believed to have shot a 26-year-old officer with the Daytona Beach Police Department in the head Wednesday night, WKMG-TV reported. Wallace is considered armed and dangerous and officials say he is driving a gray 2016 Honda HRV with California license plate number 7TNX532. The police department confirmed that a manhunt was underway at around 11 p.m. Wednesday, and U.S. marshals joined the search Thursday morning, according to Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young. So Im grateful for every agency thats responded over here tonight to help us as theyre committed to staying out here until we get this coward in custody. The police department is offering a $100,000 reward for anyone who can help authorities locate the man who shot one of our officers in the head, according to a statement. The police officer, a three-year veteran of the department, is in critical condition, ABC News reported. The police department released body camera footage of the incident in which a police officer approached the suspect who was sitting in a parked car. The officer was responding to a suspicious incident and asked if the suspect lived at the property. Whats going on? Whats going on now? Dont do this. Why are you asking me if I live here? the suspect said. According to ABC, the police officer asked again if the suspect lived there and there was a short struggle before the officer was shot. Dearwebby's Tech Support Pits from: Russ RE: Bulk Re-size pictures Dear Webby Thanks for the all the great humor and especially the technical information over the years. Youre still the best. Do you know of some trick or piece of software that would help me save my precious photos but reduce them down in size, halving them would be a good start, smaller even better. These blasted phones are creating larger and larger photos. I have my camera on the smallest setting which is 6MP. This creates photos in the 2-3MB range when a 400K photo would do nicely in most circumstances. Im running out of backup space on my laptop and do not want to jump through any more hoops. I know theres software that will do what I want one at a time but Id like to do it a directory/folder at a time! Help if you can. Thanks for listening. At least Im getting it off my chest. Russ Wisconsin Dear Russ It CAN be done with just Windows alone, but: 1) it is a silly rigamarole 2) sooner or later you will wish you had not done that. The procedure is at Bulk Resize What I would recommend instead is that you get one or more camera chips. WISH has 128 GIGAbyte camera chips for $5.78 That is probably a lot bigger than your hard disk. Pretty well all the stores, that once upon a time, used to sell camera film, now sell camera chips. And of course all computer and office supply stores. Then just get a zip lock baggie, attach it to the monitor or the wall, and put the chip in there. Of course, any convenient safe storage place will do fine. You can even be a big spender, and get two chips, and put one into your bank deposit box. To load it, stick the chip into a chip slot on the computer or into a $9 chip reader, then use SEARCH EVERYTHING, search for pictures, CTRL A to select all, and drag them to the chip. No need to trash them down to smaller size, or do anything, that you WILL regret. Have FUN! DearWebby A minister, a priest and a rabbi went for a hike one day. It was very hot. They were sweating and exhausted when they came upon a small lake. Since it was fairly secluded, they took off all their clothes and jumped in the water. Feeling refreshed, the trio decided to pick a few berries while enjoying their "freedom." As they were crossing an open area, who should come along but a group of ladies from town. Unable to get to their clothes in time, the minister and the priest covered their privates and the rabbi covered his face while they ran for cover. After the ladies had left and the men got their clothes back on, the minister and the priest asked the rabbi why he covered his face rather than his privates. The rabbi replied, "I don't know about you, but in MY congregation, its my face they would recognize."
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| _____________________________________________ The manager of a large office noticed a new man one day and told him to come into his office. "What is your name?" was the first thing the manager asked the new guy. "John," the new guy replied. The manager scowled, "Look... I don't know what kind of a mamby-pamby place you worked at before, but I don't call anyone by their first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my employees by their last name only... Smith, Jones, Baker... that's all. I am to be referred to only as Mr. Robertson. Now that we got that straight, what is your last name?" The new guy sighed, "Darling. My name is John Darling." ___________________________________________ The rules at a particular university were such that if the professor was not present in the classroom by 15 minutes past the hour, the class was considered a "walk" and the students were free to leave -- with no penalties for missing a class. The rooms were equipped with the type of wall clocks which "jumped" ahead each minute, in a very noticeable fashion. As it were, these clocks were not of the most sophisticated construction. Some enterprising student discovered that if one were to hit the clock with chalkboard erasers, it would cause the clock to "jump" ahead 1 minute. So, it became almost daily practice for these students to take target practice at the clock (this particular professor was not the most punctual, and the students considered him severely "absent-minded"). A few well- aimed erasers, and lo, 15 minutes were passed, and class dismissed itself. Well, when the day for the next exam rolled around, the professor strolled into the room, passed out the exams, and told the class, "You have one hour to complete the examination". The professor then proceeded to collect the erasers from around the room, gleefully took aim at the clock. When he had successfully "jumped" the clock forward one hour, he ended the class and collected the exam papers. ____________________________________________ This quiz has been around since we were kids. Remember the answers? 1. If a plane crashed on the border of the USA and Canada, where should the survivors be buried? 2. How many species of each animal did Moses take aboard the ark? 3. How many months have 28 days? 4. How far can a bear walk into the woods? 5. What is the value of coin dated 24 B.C.? 6. How many grooves does a 45rpm phonograph record have? 7. A camper leaves her camp, hikes 1 mile south, then 1 mile east where she sees a bear. Then she hikes 1 mile north to arrive at her camp. What color is the bear? 8. If a rooster lays an egg on the peak of a roof , will the egg roll to the left side or to the right side? 9. If a south bound electric train is traveling at a rate of 66 miles per hour and the wind is blowing to the north at 35 miles per hour, which way will the smoke blow? 10. On which side of a chicken are the most feathers? ANSWERS: 1. You don't bury survivors. 2. Moses didn't have an Ark, Noah did. 3. All twelve of them. 4. Half way, then he is walking out of the woods. 5. Nothing, a coin could not be dated BC. 6. One (spiraling) on each side. 7. The camp must be at the north pole, therefore the bear is white. 8. Roosters don't lay eggs, chickens do. 9. Electric trains don't blow smoke. 10. The outside. ___________________________________________________ Ophelia Dingbatter's NewsNo sermon and not suitable for church, just jokes and fun for grownups. Read it on-line or subscribe. If you subscribe, look for the double opt-in confirmation request. | ___________________________________________________ Today, June 26, in 1096 Peter the Hermit's crusaders forced their way across Sava, Hungary. 1243 The Seljuk Turkish army in Asia Minor was wiped out by the Mongols. 1483 Richard III usurped himself to the English throne. 1794 The French defeated an Austrian army at the Battle of Fleurus. 1804 The Lewis and Clark Expedition reached the mouth of the Kansas River after completing a westward trek of nearly 400 river miles. 1819 The bicycle was patented by W.K. Clarkson, Jr. 1870 The first section of the boardwalk in Atlantic City, NJ, was opened to the public. 1894 The American Railway Union called a general strike in sympathy with Pullman workers. 1900 The United States announced that it would send troops to fight against the Boxer rebellion in China. 1900 A commission that included Dr. Walter Reed began the fight against the deadly disease yellow fever. 1907 Russia's nobility demanded drastic measures to be taken against revolutionaries. 1908 Shah Muhammad Ali's forces squelched the reform elements of Parliament in Persia. 1917 General John "Black Jack" Pershing arrived in France with the American Expeditionary Force. 1925 Charlie Chaplin's comedy "The Gold Rush" premiered in Hollywood. That was the only movie about the Yukon, that I had seen befoe I emigraated from Austria. 1926 A memorial to the first U.S. troops in France was unveiled at St. Nazaire. 1924 After eight years of occupation, American troops left the Dominican Republic. 1927 The Coney Island Cyclone roller coaster opened in New York. 1936 The Focke-Wulf Fw 61 made its first flight. It is the first practical helicopter, but for political reasons saw no action in WWII. 1942 The Grumman F6F Hellcat fighter was flown for the first time. 1945 The U.N. Charter was signed by 50 nations in San Francisco, CA. 1948 The Berlin Airlift began as the U.S., Britain and France started ferrying supplies to the isolated western sector of Berlin. 1959 U.S. President Eisenhower joined Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in ceremonies officially opening the St. Lawrence Seaway. 1961 A Kuwaiti vote opposed Iraq's annexation plans. 1963 U.S. President John Kennedy announced "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner) at the Berlin Wall. 1971 The U.S. Justice Department issued a warrant for Daniel Ellsberg, accusing him of giving away the Pentagon Papers. 1974 In Troy, Ohio, a Marsh supermarket installed the first bar code scanning equipment, made by IBM, and a product with a bar code was scanned for the first time. The product was Juicy Fruit gum. 1975 Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency due to "deep and widespread conspiracy." 1976 In Toronto, Canada, the CN Tower opened to the public. The official opening date is listed as October 1, 1976. It was the world's tallest free-standing stucture and the world's tallest tower until 2010. 1996 The U.S. Supreme Court ordered the Virginia Military Institute to admit women or forgo state support. 1997 The U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Communications Decency Act of 1996 that made it illegal to distribute indecent material on the Internet. 1997 J.K. Rowlings book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was published in the U.K. The book was later released in the U.S. under the name "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." This was the first book in the Harry Potter series. 1997 The U.S. Supreme Court upheld state laws that allow for a ban on doctor-assisted suicides. 1998 The U.S. and Peru opened a school to train commandos to patrol Peru's rivers for drug traffickers. 1998 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that employers are always potentially liable for supervisor's sexual misconduct toward an employee. 2000 The Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics Corp. jointly announced that they had created a working draft of the human genome. 2000 Indonesia's President Abdurrahman Wahid declared a state of emergency in the Moluccas due to the escalation of fighting between Christians and Muslims. 2001 Ray Bourque (Colorado Avalanche) announced his retirement just 17 days after winning his first Stanley Cup. Bouque retired after 22 years and held the NHL record for highest- scoring defenseman and playing in 19 consecutive All-Star games. 2002 David Hasseloff checked into The Betty Ford Center for treatment of alcoholism. 2002 WorldCom Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 2021 Do smiled. |
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