NWC Update
Network Computing
April 04, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Hybrid Work Dictates Converged Endpoint Security and Operations Management
Hybrid work has made it essential for visibility across these functions to provide IT and enterprise managers with a complete view of any issue that might arise.

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Myth Busting: You Can’t Use Packet Monitoring for Enterprise Security
Security teams today realize the value of packet monitoring for cybersecurity. As they find more uses for packet monitoring, they shatter the myth that the latter is insufficient on its own.
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Zero-trust Networks: Implementation is No Walk in the Park
Zero-trust network implementations can require an entire redefinition of your network architecture, the introduction of new technologies, and the training of both users and IT. Here’s what you need to know when you make your move to zero-trust.
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Streamlining Security with Multi-Cloud Networking
Enterprises need multi-cloud networking and security for all layers of the stack: infrastructure, apps and app delivery, and data.
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  • The Biggest Network Security Threats of 2023 & How to Combat Them

    Ransomware, compromised credentials, data breaches, distributed infrastructure, and the explosion in the number of edge devices are all among the biggest security nightmares for network teams. What can be done to combat these challenges? Find out in our latest webinar.

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How to Downsize IT With Minimal Damage
Facing a sagging economy, many enterprises are downsizing their operations. This leaves IT leaders with the task of shrinking their departments without sacrificing performance or security. Read More
A Deep Dive into the Recent Microsoft Cloud Services Outage
Configuration changes and DNS issues have been the source of multiple major outages over the last two years. And everyone knows there will be more to come. Read More
What is Day 2 Network Operations and Why Do You Need It?
Now is the time for enterprises to take a deep hard look at how network operations is being executed and start looking into how automation can help. Read More
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