Join us for the HYDRO+ Series DECEMBER 8-9, 2020 |
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This live, complimentary monthly series of virtual events brings together the hydro community through live content, match making, networking and an engaging virtual experience for those looking for perspective and discussion on current and future issues affecting the hydroelectric power and marine energy markets. On December 8-9 we are excited to be hosting Hiring for Hydro, a two day recruiting and educational event designed to cater to new workforce entrants to hydropower and those looking for insight on hiring, attracting, and retaining new talent as well as current market trends. In the past we have partnered with The Hydropower Foundation on Hiring for Hydro at HYDROVISION International. Since we cannot be in person until mid-2021, we are working together to deliver this event to support the needs of the hydro community virtually. |
Once registered, view the ‘Event Agenda’ to learn more about these sessions. To add them to your personal schedule and receive reminders about the sessions before they begin select the calendar icon and click “Add To My Schedule”. |
Market Trends: Attracting, Hiring and Retaining New Talent for Hydropower December 8, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
| Market Trends: State of the Hydroelectric Power Industry Globally Cameron Schilling, Vice President Market Strategies and Regulatory Affairs, National Hydropower Association Laszlo Varro, Chief Economist, International Energy Agency December 9, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST |
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July 27-29, 2021 | Spokane, WASHINGTON, USA |
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