Dear John,


Yes, you read that correctly!

Let me explain...

We have our upcoming Choose to Win Workshop on September 12th and 13th at Ziglar H.Q.

I wanted to extend a very special offer to you if you can make it...

If you buy my book Choose to Win, I will give you a $100 discount off the Choose to Win Workshop.

Sound good?

It gets better though... Keep scrolling...


Once you buy my book, you also get the following bonuses:

  1. The Choose To Win Digital Journal and study guide of the 41 Page, 9 lesson video course - a $49 value
  2. ​The digital copy of Zig's motivational classic, Born to Win - a $25 value
  3. ​My new Choose To Win Little Book of Big Quotes (this will be mailed to you with your book)
  4. ​The Ziglar Self-Talk Affirmation Card (this will be mailed to you with your book)

Doesn't that sound AWESOME?!

Click here to buy my book and receive these awesome bonuses!

Choose to Win!


P.S. Don't forget to apply your discount code at checkout for the Choose to Win Workshop!

You can register for the workshop here.

P.S.S. If you would like to bring a partner to the workshop, simply reply to this email and I'll give you another discount.


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306