Hello fellow travel industry professionals!
I am reaching out to personally encourage you to enter the Travel Weekly Magellan Awards this year. The July 15 deadline is fast approaching.
These past few years have required that industry professionals reach new levels of dedication and creativity to keep the spirit of travel alive. And I want to be able to share your accomplishments with the rest of the industry.
The Travel Weekly Magellan Awards recognize many areas of innovative marketing and design across media and industry sectors. Our panel of esteemed judges, all long-time, successful travel industry innovators, will review each entry on its individual merit. It’s not a beauty contest -- you won’t be judged against other entries -- but rather on the creativity and individual approach of your company’s efforts.
We’ve completely revamped the classifications for submission this year, so if you’ve looked over the categories in the past and weren’t sure where your work fit, look again. There are dozens from which to choose.
At Travel Weekly, we work diligently to tell your stories and to share inspiring, innovative work. It’s part of our mission to recognize important developments and how they move the industry to higher levels. We want to honor those efforts. Enter the Magellans today at www.travelweeklyawards.com. I hope to see your name on our list of entrants!
Thank you,
Arnie Weissmann
Executive Vice President and Editor in Chief
Travel Weekly