Tech Select
March 09, 2016
I just visited India for the first time, and it's unlike anywhere else in the world I just visited India for the first time, and it's unlike anywhere else in the world

I just got back from a visit to our partners at Business Insider India... Read»
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Jack Dorsey's 18-hour workdays are about to be put to the test
Jack Dorsey's 18-hour workdays are about to be put to the test
Jack Dorsey's been working crazy hours since taking on the dual CEO role...  Read»
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The actor who played Borat just nailed this Apple product launch parody
The actor who played Borat just nailed this Apple product launch parody
Sacha Baron Cohen, a comedian best known for playing the clueless...  Read»
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11 reasons why it’s so hard to be a good CEO
11 reasons why it’s so hard to be a good CEO
With all the startups that have popped up in recent years, CEOs have...  Read»
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Disney CEO says selling ESPN a la carte is on the table
Disney CEO Bob Iger says Disney needs to improve on the digital front...  Read»
David Silver: The unsung hero and intellectual powerhouse at Google DeepMind
If you're familiar with DeepMind — the research-intensive London...  Read»
The CEO of Google DeepMind is facing his biggest challenge to date
Demis Hassabis, the CEO and cofounder of the artificial-intelligence...  Read»
Bill Gates explains why he wouldn't want to be president, and why he would pick $40,000 off the street
Bill Gates explains why he wouldn't want to be president, and why he would pick $40,000 off the street
When Microsoft cofounder and richest man in the world Bill Gates did...  Read»
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Eric Schmidt: Advances in AI will make every human better
Eric Schmidt: Advances in AI will make every human better
Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, Google's parent company...  Read»
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Apple's iPhone problem in one chart: Apple usually does worse than the market as a whole
Apple's iPhone problem in one chart: Apple usually does worse than the market as a whole
The myth of the iPhone is that Apple created a device so superior, so...  Read»
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Amazon is launching its first-ever live show so you can shop more easily
Amazon is launching its first-ever live show so you can shop more easily
Amazon is launching its first-ever live online show called "Style...  Read»
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Facebook has an idea for software that detects cool new slang before it goes mainstream
Facebook has an idea for software that detects cool new slang before it goes mainstream
Facebook has patented software that will scan the social network for...
How a Playboy competitor is turning Snapchat into more than just selfies
How a Playboy competitor is turning Snapchat into more than just selfies
In the early days of Snapchat, models viewed the fast-rising social...
9 ways that men and women see things differently at work
9 ways that men and women see things differently at work
A corporate training startup called Bridge polled 1,000 people in...
5 awesome Google features you didn't know about
5 awesome Google features you didn't know about
VIDEO: Google has countless of features that we never knew existed – you can set up an alarm in the Google Search, go into space and even play around with LEGOs. 

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