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 Glenn Beck

Morning Thoughts

Friday, August 25, 2017


Wow! I saw it!!

The moon actually came between us and the SUN!

That like almost NEVER HAPPENS. Or does, but we don't usually see it, because we can't stand in the parking lot that is in the middle of the ocean. (Not enough office buildings in the ocean, apparently.)

I just keep replaying it in my head. I can't seem to shake it!

Do you know how, sometimes, when you go to a concert and the band isn't as good as studio recording?

Not here. No sir! This eclipse was everything we were promised! And perhaps even MORE.

IT LOOKED JUST LIKE IT DOES ON TV!! Except maybe a bit smaller.

Wow, was that worth the 99 year wait (or however long it was or will be)?

I will be telling my children's children's children for years to come, about how everything seemed almost to stand still as we all held our breath, standing there wearing stupid paper glasses staring up at the sky, just not knowing, if we would ever see the sun again.

It is just like the feeling I had when Reagan was shot or the panic just after the year 2000. Oh, man... do you remember the Y2K panic? Perhaps for you it was more like the entire month of CNN coverage of that missing plane!

Wow, remember that? Do you remember where you were when you saw that?

I, for one, was out in the parking lot with other sheep then and now. But that was just my experience.

Take a moment to really ponder the millions of stories out there, where were you when the eclipse happened!?

We can only hope TV news will let us hear some of them. All unique, I am sure and NONE of them driven by FOMO.

What are the odds someone else stood in the parking lot like I did, looking up while hearing someone say, "Wow, look how dark it is getting!"

Pins and needles people, pins and freaking needles.

I laughed, I cried, I will never forget the chills. It truly was better than Cats.

If the eclipse comes to your town don't miss it!!

BTW: The photo above is NEW! Captured by one of my camera people! This is not CGI or and old picture! Do you remember where you were?


If the world went dark next week, would you be ready?

The government has been preparing and ran several Black Sky Events recently.

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This message was brought to you by My Patriot Supply.

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