Aug 17, 2020

Good morning from Washington, where the left gains ground because of the failures of public education. In an eye-opening commentary, a former teacher pulls back the curtain. And a finding that Yale discriminates in admissions is just the beginning, Mike Gonzalez writes. On the podcast, a U.N. watcher tells how the global body undermines the family. Plus: the meaning of the Israel-UAE peace agreement; and the president ponders a lower capital gains tax. On this date in 1841, angry proponents of a national bank converge outside the White House to hang and burn an effigy of President John Tyler after he vetoes Congress’ attempt to revive the bank. One result: The District of Columbia forms a police force.

By Douglas Blair

As someone who has worked in education for four years, I have seen firsthand how your children are being ensnared by the left and their teachers.
By Mike Gonzalez

The Trump administration’s Justice Department just took an important step in enforcing the Constitution when it concluded that Yale University illegally discriminates against Asian and white Americans through its admissions process.
By James Phillips

Iran is likely to be the biggest loser from the consequences of improved Israel-UAE ties, aside from Palestinian leaders who continue to oppose a realistic peace with Israel.
By Adam Michel

Reducing taxes on capital gains also could be a good thing for the recovery from the pandemic, but doing it right will be important.
By Virginia Allen

Kimberly Ells arrived at the United Nations excited to engage in work to strengthen families around the world. What she found was an agenda to dismantle the traditional family, promote sexuality to children, and reduce parenthood to a burdensome civil construct.

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