Dear Reader,

Free registration for the chance to receive Monday’s ‘big six’ Australian trade alerts is about to end...

This is your final chance to register your interest in receiving Monday’s algorithmic trading signals.

Remember, there’s no cost to register.

But I need to know now if you’re interested.

Please go here without delay. It will only take a second of your time (there’s more information on this page, too):

The BIG SIX algorithmic trading signals — FREE REGISTRATION...LAST CHANCE

Sorry to press you on this — there’s a good reason...

We’ve already had a huge number of registrations from readers who are interested in getting Monday’s ‘big six’ trades.

I’m not surprised...not in the slightest.

I believe this will be the most valuable trading service we’ve ever provided. I mean, this is Wall Street tech...and it’s available to private investors right here in Australia.

I honestly believe this could give you the edge you’ve been looking for in your investing.

When you also consider that it’s free to register your interest, I can see exactly why it’s been so popular. I’m so glad I did it.

But, even at this late hour, I’m expecting hundreds — maybe thousands — more registrations.

If we get a huge rush, some people may end up missing out.

So I need a favour.

If you want in, can you please let me know now by clicking this link (remember, registering costs you nothing and doesn’t commit you to anything):

The BIG SIX algorithmic trading signals — FREE REGISTRATION...LAST CHANCE

Please, if you’re in any way curious to learn how it’s been possible to make as much as 11 times your money from some of the biggest stocks on the Aussie market...

...please click on any of the links in this email right now and put your name down. I’d really appreciate it.

To remind you: This is an opportunity to receive a set of six algorithmic trading signals this coming Monday — with no obligation.

Here are the markets you’ll receive signals for (you can see why I call them the ‘big six’)...

  1. The ASX 200 (the algorithm beat it by 42% since 2009 in back-testing)
  2. BHP Group (the algorithm beat it by 152% since 2009 in back-testing)
  3. CBA (the algorithm beat it by 123% since 2009 in back-testing)
  4. Telstra (the algorithm beat it by 202% since 2009 in back-testing)
  5. Qantas (the algorithm beat it by 195% since 2009 in back-testing)
  6. Gold (the algorithm beat it by 136% since 2009 in back-testing)

Now, just to be clear, none of the figures you see here include things like costs, taxes, margin requirements or dividends — all of which would affect your gains in a real-life scenario.

And of course, I can’t guarantee that what happened in the past will play out the same way in the future.

But I hope it gets your mind whirring...

That’s all I can do to persuade you.

If that doesn’t swing it for you, I guess nothing will.

But if you’re curious...and you want to see how an algorithm trades some of our biggest markets...take this opportunity now. I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it.

Please let me know, one way or the other, here:

The BIG SIX algorithmic trading signals — FREE REGISTRATION...LAST CHANCE


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, The Rum Rebellion

PS: Remember — no charge to register, no commitment!

Very last chance:

The BIG SIX algorithmic trading signals — FREE REGISTRATION...LAST CHANCE