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Many CT readers tell us that when they receive their issue, they flip immediately to the Testimony, the long-running back page where Christ-followers speak candidly and gratefully of God's work in their lives.

One reader, Ellen Tuthill, described the impact CT Testimonies have had on her spiritual life and ministry:

Ellen Tuthill

Ellen Tuthill

"Through the first decade after being born again, I read constantly from The Economist and Christianity Today. Both are packed with facts, stories, and information, something I specifically craved as a new mom, whose world felt small.

Both feature exceptional writing and greater international coverage than I find elsewhere. But CT's Testimony section is unique. I nearly always cry when I read it. I see my story in most Testimonies I read: one of brokenness, depravity, and rescue."

These stories remind us that no one is beyond God's reach, and that our fear is something God can overcome for His good. They show us how God is working in the world in ways we couldn't imagine with brothers and sisters we have never met, in nations in which we have never been.

In 2020 and beyond, this kind of storytelling will be an emphasis for CT—but we need you.

Will you give a gift of $50, $100, or $250 today to encourage and challenge the next generation of readers like Ellen with God's truth, goodness, and beauty?

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Together we will make the church more beautiful and make its beauty known.


Timothy Dalrymple
President and CEO, Christianity Today

P.S. For every dollar you give, you bring ten new readers into CT's growing network of Christian storytelling and testimony. A gift of $100 introduces 1,000 new readers to CT!