{{ insert first_name 'default=Fellow Patriot' }},
I spent 3 months in Federal Prison because I peacefully protested Joe Biden
on January 6, 2021.

Including 8 days in solitary confinement because I refused the covid jab.

Now, I’m running for Congress against a “Biden Republican” who continues to stab President Trump in the back and betray voters in one of the reddest Congressional Districts in America.

And I need your urgent help so I can defeat my opponent in the Primary Election on May 14.

That’s why
I am asking you to reply right away by donating here –today if possible.

We don’t have much time left.

But I DO have a winning message.

And hopefully, I’ll have YOUR ENDORSEMENT after you read my letter.
But first, please let me tell you WHO I AM, WHY I’M RUNNING, WHY I CAN WIN, and HOW YOU CAN HELP.

1. Who am I?

My name is Derrick Evans.

You may remember me as the ONLY elected official in America to be arrested and thrown in Federal Prison for peacefully protesting on January 6th.

But I’m more than a J6 Patriot. I’m a Christian, a husband madly in love with my wife Melissa, and a proud father of four young kids.

I’m also an ultra-MAGA, America First Republican:

• I believe big government is part of the problem, NOT the solution.

• I’m a Second Amendment absolutist. Shall. Not. Be. Infringed. Enough said.

• I’m 100% pro-life womb to tomb. Before I ran for office, I saved numerous lives from abortion as a sidewalk counselor, then helped raise financial support for those who chose adoption.

• I believe CRT (Critical Race Theory) and the 1619 Project are cancer. The American people are fundamentally good people, not a bunch of racists. It’s time to get these lies out of our schools.

• I say that the radical LGBT movement is child abuse. They’re now doing “gender transitions” on children as young as 3 years old! No toddler can possibly want to be sterilized. These people should be in prison, not running our country.

• We must have strict immigration control. That means BUILD THE WALL, end amnesty, cut off all federal funds to “sanctuary cities,” and ENFORCE THE LAW.

Like I said: Ultra-MAGA!

Just a few years ago, that’s what EVERY American believed.

Now, it’s considered “treason.”

And that’s why I believe you and I must reclaim this country for the CONSERVATIVE VALUES that made America great.

If you take anything away from my story, I hope you can tell I’m a  FIGHTER who will NEVER BACK DOWN from my principles.

In other words, I’m everything my opponent is NOT.

And that brings me to:

2. Why I’m running.

The incumbent Carol Miller is the ultimate Washington politician.

Instead of trying to ask for contributions from voters like you, she’s raised
hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporate lobbyists and industry PACs...that she “helps out” with her votes in Congress.

It’s classic corruption.

But worst of all, Miller is a “Biden Republican.”

She votes with Joe Biden 300-400% more than other Republican Congressmen! 

She only votes according to the Constitution 61% of the time. And she has a “D” Liberty Score with a PATHETIC 65% score.

• She voted
YES on Biden’s request for billions and billions of dollars to fight a foreign war in Ukraine. Then she did it again. And again. She even voted for Biden’s trillion-dollar omnibus bill and gave Biden the money to send tens of thousands of Americans overseas to Europe.

I’m campaigning to BRING OUR TROOPS HOME and NOT wage unnecessary wars. We have the greatest military in the world. It’s time for the government to put AMERICA FIRST!

• My opponent voted
YES on lockdowns (they didn’t work), YES on mandatory masks (didn’t work either), and YES to force Americans to take the risky and unproven covid shot.

I spent 8 days in solitary confinement for REFUSING the same covid shot my opponent voted to force on American citizens. I put my money where my mouth is, no matter what the price.

My opponent REFUSES to endorse Donald Trump. She rode his coattails to win her election multiple times. Now, she votes with Biden.

And she’s still “waiting to see” who she’ll endorse.


It’s time to replace this “Biden Republican” RINO with a REAL REPUBLICAN who stands with the greatest President in American history,
Donald J. Trump.

Shockingly, no one else stood up to challenge my opponent.

That’s why I had to throw my hat in the ring.

But can I win? I asked myself that question before I ran. Now, I’d like to tell you how I answered it.

3. Why I can win!

When I was thinking about running for Congress, I knew I had a shot.

After all, I’m a proven winner.

When I ran for the West Virginia State House in 2020, I was the first Republican elected from my district in 98 years – and I won in a landslide.

If I can win a historically
Democrat district by over 12 points...you can be sure I can beat a “Biden Republican” in one of the reddest Congressional Districts
in the entire nation.

The truth is, establishment RINO Carol Miller doesn’t belong here.

Her record is just awful.

That's why she's dropping in the polls: We nearly have her below 50% ALREADY.

And I knew voters would be furious when they found out who she
really is
once she gets to Washington, D.C.

Boy, was I right.
Everywhere I go, voters of all kinds are supporting me.

To my surprise, even “establishment” Republicans are thanking me for
running – because my opponent is such an empty seat!

She doesn’t do anything for our district.

She just works for one person: herself.

The more I talk with voters, the angrier they get about my opponent’s pro-
Biden voting record
and her complete betrayal of “We the People” back home.

And the closer we get to Primary Election Day, the more momentum is
building in my favor!

After hitting the campaign trail, now I can confidently say that I will
win this race...

4. How YOU can help!

The biggest weapon my opponent has is

Many voters just have no idea how liberal she is.

But with even one 30-second ad or phone call, her cloak of darkness disappears.

And that’s why I’d like to ask you for a personal favor:

Fortunately, the media market in West Virginia is one of the cheapest in the

That means I don’t need to raise as much money as candidates in other parts of America.

And with our clear, simple message – we can run a winning campaign
on a shoestring budget.

In fact, I’ve done the math.

And I only need $500,000 to WIN.

That’s a small fraction of the cost of most Congressional races.

But that number includes our budget for
everything – TV, radio, targeted
internet ads, fliers, postage and printing for letters, food for volunteers, phone
banks, and the all-important Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts on Election Day.

It may not sound glamorous...

...but trust me, that’s the “nuts and bolts” it takes to win a campaign.
With your help, I can WIN this race and defeat one of the most liberal
RINOs in the country.

(The Big Tech Giants are making it MUCH more difficult and expensive to get this message to you today, so we could definitely use the extra funds!)
But no matter what you can contribute, every dollar helps...especially
with the low cost of advertising in the West Virginia media market.

I won’t pretend to know what you feel called to contribute.

All I know is we’ve got to defeat my “Biden Republican” opponent and
send a REAL REPUBLICAN to Congress

That’s why I’m running.

And that’s why I’m asking for
your generous contribution of $45 or more.

Thank you in advance for your help.
I hope to you can donate here today.
For God and Country,
Derrick Evans
Proud January 6 Patriot
Ultra-MAGA Republican for Congress, WV-01

P.S.: It’s bad enough to have a wishy-washy RINO “Republican” in a swing
district. Some people think that’s what it takes to win a majority in Congress.
But there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for a liberal “Republican” to come from a
district as conservative as mine!

West Virginia voted 68% for TRUMP both times. And we’ll vote for him again. 

Our Congressman should be the spitting image of Donald Trump, NOT Joe

That’s why I’m running, come what may.

The Deep State threw me in federal prison before.

And they added insult to injury with 8 days of solitary confinement.

I don’t care what they throw at me next.

Will you join me?

P.P.S.: The best way you can make a difference from your own home is to
contribute $45 or more
so I can expose my “Biden Republican” opponent for
the liberal fraud she is.

Thank you again!

P.P.P.S.: No one in this country understands the weaponization of the Federal
Government better than President Trump and me.

I spent 3 months in a Federal Prison because I peacefully protested Joe Biden’s
stolen election.

Now, Biden is trying to lock up President Trump, too.

The choice is clear in my race:

My opponent is a “Biden Republican” who votes with Joe Biden 300-400%
more than other Republicans in Congress.

I’m an Ultra-MAGA, America First FIGHTER who will NEVER back down.

I’ve been through persecution, prison, and solitary confinement.

Now, I’m running to represent YOUR VALUES in Congress.

I’m not asking you to go to prison,
but I would be honored to have your support.
Please click here to send my campaign your best contribution today.

May God Bless You, and God Bless America!
For God and Country,  
Derrick Evans

Visit My Website Here!
Paid for by Evans for WV.


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