
Dear John, 

If you're stuck with clients you hate, or less money than you deserve, or if you are just sick and tired of feeling like you're working longer hours for less money, and you want to get home on time every night, click the video in this email. 

I was stuck.

When I worked as a consultant for the Gallup Organization I was required to close $1, million dollars in new business every year.  If I didn't, I'd be fired. So I learned everything I could about the value we provided, I developed great relationships with our practice group leaders, and I went out and pitched consulting work to prospective clients. 

In my first five months I sent out 5 proposals worth at least $1 million or more. I figured: If the requirement was $1 million dollars, why should I spend my time and energy on proposals worth less than that?  After all, it takes the same effort to propose something worth $1,000 as it does to propose something worth $1 million - it's just a client with a bigger wallet.

By month 6 I had closed my first million-dollar deal.  At the end of year 1 I had closed $2.5 million in business. By year 5 I was booking $20 million per year in revenue.

When I started my own consulting business things changed. Since I no longer had the Gallup brand behind me I thought I couldn't command the million-dollar fee.

I was closing deals and consulting with clients for as little as $1,000.

And I was miserable.

I reached out to my mentor. I explained what was going on. I told him I was stuck with these low-fee deals with difficult clients.

He helped me adjust my mindset.

I was still the same guy. The advice was still valuable.  It was my perception that shifted.

After that conversation, everything changed. 

I still rely on advice and guidance from a mentor.  He keeps me focused. He holds me accountable.

And now I have the same offer for you.  Watch this video: Stuck?

In it I talk about my mentor program and how it will help you feel better about your business and your plan for 2018. 

I'm offering a special deal for everyone who signs up between now and the end of the month. You can save $1,000 on this program if you act now.  The investment is usually $3,500 but for a limited time it is $2,500 for 6 months of access to me.

You call, we get your head on right, you call back whenever you want.  Call every day or call once a month - it's up to you.

Watch the video, then visit:

Have a great week.

Warm regards,

Dave Lorenzo

I value and appreciate the relationship we have.

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I want to stay in touch so I hope you stick around.

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Post Office Box 940024
Miami, Florida 33194
United States
(786) 436-1986