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Newsletter  May 2024

Below you will find all the latest news and events on radiation protection of patients from the IAEA.

IAEA news: A new era of
medical imaging

As medical imaging continues to evolve, radiation protection experts gathered at the IAEA to discuss how to best keep patients safe in this changing medical landscape.
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Joint ICTP–IAEA workshop,
7–11 October 2024

Specialized training on radiation protection of patients in Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) procedures. Deadline for applications, Friday, 31 May 2024.
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IAEA and AAPM: One way forward in recurrent medical imaging
The IAEA, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and other organizations identified common ground on recurrent imaging.
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Peer review paper on issues for theranostics

Learn about the challenges that affect access to and availability of theranostic radiopharmaceuticals, including supply and regulatory issues. Temporary free access.
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IAEA publication: Dosimetry for Radiopharmacuetical Therapy

Find tools and methodologies to assure that radiopharmaceutical therapy is implemented through a dosimetry-guided individualized treatment approach.
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Malaysia, 10–13 October 2024

Next year's joint congress is themed 'Revolutionising Patient Care through Medical Physics'. Submit your abstract by the deadline, 10 June 2024.
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