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Weekly 17/02/22 - Newsletter Leaderboard Banner
February 17, 2022
Open evening at Koentact
Open evening at Koentact - learn Dutch the fun way
Curious about what a Dutch lesson is like? Want to learn the language in a fun and social environment? This is your chance to get to know Koentact and register for a Dutch Trial lesson for beginners!
Read & Discuss
Blue Umbrella - Calculator taxes, changes to Box 3
Changes affecting Box 3 tax matters expected in the Netherlands
by Mathijs Zwiers
A high court ruling in the Netherlands has forced changes to be made to the taxation of assets (Box 3). Viviënne from Blue Umbrella explains how these changes might affect you.
Students at Supreme College Nederland
Supreme College Nederland offers the best of both worlds
Check out Supreme College Nederland: a top international school, based near Amsterdam, where students can study for the Middle Years Programme and VWO diplomas.
Expat couple in the Netherlands by canal
Moving abroad to be with your partner: Tips for settling in
by Daniela Stoyanova
Moving abroad with your partner? Crown Relocations has put together some handy hints and tips for expat couples who have moved to a new country.
Buying a house in Eindhoven -
Why you should buy a home in Eindhoven
by Chiel Versteege
More international workers are moving to Eindhoven every year, lured by the region’s growing tech and science industries, as well as the quality of life. So, what about the local housing market?
Student learning Dutch language
Get creative when speaking Dutch!
by Maite François
Dutch is a very expressive language and there are plenty of ways to get creative when speaking it. UVA Talen shows us four ways you can get creative with Dutch.
Featured Job: Customer Experience Specialist - German
Are you fluent in German, can you communicate clearly and is customer satisfaction your main goal? Catawiki is looking for you! Apply now!
February 2022 coronavirus press conference the Netherlands
Coronavirus press conference: Most restrictions to lift by end of February
At the press conference on February 15, Health Minister Kuipers announced that practically all COVID-19 restrictions in the Netherlands would be lifted by March.
ICAP survey local elections expat voting the Netherlands
Participate in survey about expat voting and the upcoming local elections
By taking the election survey, readers can help the International Community Advisory Panel (ICAP) improve their services for expats in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands ranking quality of life expats
The Netherlands ranked eighth-best country for expat quality of life
The Netherlands secured a top 10 spot in a ranking assessing expat quality of life in different countries, making it one of the best countries in the world for expats.
CBS prices inflation rate the Netherlands
Inflation in the Netherlands rises, reaches highest point in 40 years
New figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reveal that in January, the Dutch inflation rate reached 6,4 percent - the highest figure recorded since May 1982.
GPS tracking trial OV Chipkaart Dutch public transport
The Netherlands to launch new trial for GPS tracking on public transport
A new trial will see a small number of passengers use GPS tracking in a mobile app instead of their OV Chipkaart when travelling on Dutch public transport.
Michelin starred restaurant sign the Netherlands
Looking for some fine dining? Avoid Amsterdam - head to Rotterdam!
Looking for a Michelin meal that doesn’t break the bank? A recent study found that you’re best off avoiding Amsterdam and heading to Rotterdam instead!
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Weekly 17/02/22 - Newsletter Medium Rectangle
Coding is magical workshop kids JetLearn
Free live magic workshop for kids aged 6-16 years
February 20
Bach's St. Matthew Passion
Bach's St. Matthew Passion performances in the Netherlands
March 12 - April 17 | Apeldoorn
IamExpat Webinar: IamExpat Webinar: 3 Steps to Retire As You Desire
IamExpat Webinar: 3 Steps to Retire As You Desire
February 24
Westergas Amsterdam IamExpat Fair
IamExpat Fair Amsterdam
April 09 | Amsterdam
Utrecht International Comedy Festival
Utrecht International Comedy Festival
February 23 - March 05 | Utrecht
Bookworm NL Closing Down Sale
Bookworm NL Closing Down Sale
February 17 - March 25 | Voorburg
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Dutch courses
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Short stay
Interior design
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