In this issue, November 2, 2021 View it in your browser.

IBM AI, Google Cloud Skills, eBPF, GitHub Universe, Oracle's JDK 17, F# 6, CSS-in-JS Libraries, JetBrains Compose, Microservices, Psychological Safety, Developer Productivity

QCon London 2022: Discover emerging software trends and innovations.

QCon London, the international software development conference, is returning to London on April 4-6, 2022. Find out what should be on your radar from the world’s most innovative software professionals. Take advantage of the lowest early bird price. Save £345 if you register before November 8th.


Cockroach Labs

Optimizing your CI/CD Pipeline with Shift-Left Enterprise Observability

Learn how shift-left enterprise observability and machine learning can help you harden software for production release more rigorously than unit and automated testing, detect "unknown unknowns" in the CI/CD pipeline, define recovery guidelines for problems identified using ML, and more. Live Webinar, Nov 10th, 2021 — Save Your Seat.

Microsoft's Asim Hussain on Designing Software for Sustainability and the Green Software Foundation

Charles Humble explores the topic of designing software for sustainability with Microsoft's Asim Hussain, chair of the Green Software Foundation. They discuss techniques such as demand shifting, as well as the current challenges that the Green Software Foundation is aiming to address. (Podcast)

Career and Leadership Advice for Engineers and Technical Professionals

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, lead editor for culture & methods, spoke to Jeff Perry about the important leadership and people skills that technologists are often not trained in, why career coaching can be valuable, being deliberate about career choices, and advice for technical leaders. (Podcast)

IBM Develops Hardware-Based Vector-Symbolic AI Architecture

IBM Research recently announced a memory-augmented neural network (MANN) AI system consisting of a neural network controller and phase-change memory (PCM) hardware. By performing analog in-memory computation on high-dimensional (HD) binary vectors, the system learns few-shot classification tasks on the Omniglot benchmark with only 2.7% accuracy drop compared to 32-bit software implementations. (News)


Cockroach Labs

Building Serverless Applications with Google Cloud Run

Never babysit infrastructure again. Download this eBook to learn to build serverless apps.


  1. Google Is Aiming to Train 40 Million People with Google Cloud Skills Boost

  2. Amazon Introduces RDS Custom for Legacy and Custom Oracle Databases

  3. Analyze Video Feeds at the Edge with AWS Panorama Appliance

  4. AWS Announces the Public Preview of AWS Data Exchange for Amazon Redshift

  5. Google Cloud Spanner Adds PostgreSQL Interface: Is PostgreSQL Now Standard for Cloud Databases?

eBPF - Superpowers for Cloud Native Operations

Liz Rice discusses how eBPF enables high-performance tools that will help connect, manage and secure applications in the cloud. (Presentation with transcript included)

The InfoQ eMag: Managing Observability, Resilience, and Complexity within Distributed Systems

This eMag helps you reflect on the subject of reducing complexity within modern applications and distributed systems, and provides you with different perspectives and learned lessons from people who have already had to deal with challenges from the real world. Download Now.



Benefits and hurdles: A snapshot of Kubernetes in 2021

This report highlights three roadblocks on the path toward Kubernetes adoption, the top two benefits from adopting K8s, and describes the most popular deployment strategy that works for both Dev and Ops. Download now.


  1. GitHub Introduces Projects, Updates Codespaces, Copilot, Code Scanning, and More

Forensic Monitoring of Blockchains is Key for Broader Industry Adoption

This article presents a new blockchain consensus mechanism, XinFin Delegated Proof-of-Stake Consensus Protocol 2.0, that provides a higher level of trust by creating an efficient judiciary system. It has been designed to keep all verifying nodes accountable and allow for bad actors to be identified and effectively neutralized. (Article)

SPONSOR AD | Enterprise Strategy Group

Download this white paper to get the ESG take on enterprise versions of an Istio service mesh and why a service mesh is essential for scaling cloud-native and containerized workloads.


  1. Java News Roundup: Updates on OpenJDK, Spring, Quarkus, Payara, Hibernate, Quarkus and JakartaOne

Oracle's JDK 17 - Free Again for Commercial Use

The Oracle JDK is available free of charge for production use again - under the new "Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions" (NFTC) license. This move reverses a 2018 decision to charge for Oracle JDK production use and does not affect Oracle's OpenJDK distribution. The NFTC applies to the recently released version 17 of Oracle JDK and future versions. (News)



Play in the Lightstep Sandbox

In less than 10 minutes you can debug an error or resolve a performance regression with our free, interactive sandbox experience. Try it now.


  1. F# 6 Introduces Resumable Code, Improvements to Pattern Matching and Tooling, and More

Records in C# 9

In this article, Tugce Özdeger talks about Records, a new reference type introduced in C# 9 that provides built-in functionality for encapsulating data. The article shows the potential benefits and advantages of using records and how developers can use them in their applications, with code examples and comparisons with classes and structs. (Article)


  1. Comparative Study of 11 CSS-in-JS libraries - Andrei Pfeiffer at React Finland 2021

Grails 5.0 Updates Underlying Frameworks and Consolidates Features

Grails 5.0 has been released, featuring deprecation of the "dot"-Based Navigation to configuration, default autowire by type in Data Services, the decoupling of Grails Gradle Plugin from the grails-core and the Grails Gradle Publish plugin was removed from the Grails plugin applications. Also, this release includes Apache Groovy 3, Micronaut 3, Gradle 7, Spring Boot 2.5, Spring 5.3, and Spock 2.0. (News)


Progress Software

Need to Diagnose a Remote API Failure?

Sound familiar? You need to quickly re-create the complete request and inspect/debug the failed response, yet remote resources are out of your control. Learn to quickly diagnose and fix issues when remote APIs fail to contain the damage.

JetBrains Compose Multiplatform Reaches Beta

A few months after its announcement as an alpha version, JetBrains Compose Multiplatform has reached beta, which includes many improvements and stabilizes its APIs as a step towards the 1.0 release. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How Pinterest Scaled up Its Ad-Serving Architecture

Panel: What Have We Learned over the Last Decade of Microservices?

Chris Richardson, James Lewis and Katie Gamanji discuss what the industry has learned over the last decade building and delivering Microservices architectures. (Presentation with transcript included)



Microservices Up and Running (By O’Reilly)

Learn how to design an effective and explicit microservices system end-to-end, how to slice a big application into a collection of microservices, how to build a simple yet powerful CI/CD pipeline for infrastructure changes, and more. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How Organisational Culture and Psychological Safety Fosters Our Creativity

Techstinction - How Technology Use is Having a Severe Impact on our Climate and What We Can Do

Most people don’t realise how their use of technology, both socially and in the workplace, is responsible for an increasingly significant volume of the world's Co2 emissions. In this article, you will learn how our use of technology is having a severe impact on our climate and what we can do about it. (Article)

Maximize Developer Productivity and Engagement with the Developer Experience Engineer

With developers becoming more important than ever, it’s critical to understand how to maximize their productivity and engagement, so in turn, businesses can create better value. The Developer Experience Engineer (DXE) clears the path to developer success by implementing a common set of principles, maintaining the right tools, and creating cohesive standards. (Article)

People, Not Screens: Why Soul-Based Leadership Will Change the Nature of Remote and Hybrid Work

Virtual, remote, or hybrid work is the main leadership challenge of our time. Leaders should focus on bringing out humaneness and people's desire to be seen and heard in respectful and appreciative ways. Soul-based leadership is built on neuroscience and other ways of knowing inspired by eastern philosophies in which aliveness is at the heart of awareness, stillness, and calm. (Article)

Hybrid-Remote Done Right: Evaluate the Remote Employee Experience

Kaleem Clarkson discusses what to consider before making a decision on the workplace flexibility policy, and how to assess the remote employee experience to help guide decisions. (Presentation with transcript included)


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Authentication Survival Guide