TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 9, 2017

It's a Huge Waste of the Progressive Movement's Time Complaining About Hillary's Campaign Book

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The DNC's anti-democratic practices that deepened the party's schisms are being ignored. READ MORE»

Russians Are Going to Trump Properties to Give Birth and Get Dual Citizenship for their Babies

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

And oddly, there's been not a peep from the right.  READ MORE»

Florida Officials Warn Irma Will Be 'Storm Wider Than the State'

By Richard Luscombe , Ed Pilkington, David Smith, The Guardian

Hurricane is forecast to strike in the early hours of Sunday with winds of 150mph or greater, and the whole state is considered to be in the danger zone. READ MORE»

Where Does White Privilege Show Up?

By Kristin Hull, AlterNet

White people take for granted the freedom with which they walk around.  READ MORE»

'Why Should I Resign?': Florida GOP Official Refuses to Quit After Being Outed for Claw-Hammer Attack on Teen

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Local GOP official claims they were blindsided. READ MORE»

ICE Illegally Held a U.S. Citizen in Detention Center for 1,273 Days

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

What happened to Davino Watson is "far from unusual," says a federal judge. READ MORE»

Sessions Is Wrong: There Is No Legal Justification for Ending DACA

By Marjorie Cohn, Truthout

The decision to end DACA "is inhumane, cruel and shameful." READ MORE»

How Canadian Mounties Will Come to the Rescue of American Workers

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

Canada is demanding that the new NAFTA includes a ban on so-called “right-to-work” laws. READ MORE»

Leaked DOJ Memo Recommends Making Rape Victims' Sexual History Fair Play in Campus Hearings

By wagatwe, DailyKos

Will sex-shaming victims be the law of the land? READ MORE»

How Monsanto Is Devastating Thousands of Farms Across 20 States

By Bill Freese, AlterNet

Monsanto's GE cotton and soybeans were made to be resistant to an herbicide that drifts to nearby crops. READ MORE»

Why Can't Legal Marijuana Dispensaries Get Bank Accounts?

By Rachel Leah, Salon

Lawyer Mitchell Kulick talks about cash-only cannabis dispensaries and the role federal banking laws play READ MORE»

Does Betsy DeVos Care More About Those Accused of Rape Than Its Victims?

By Lucia Graves, The Guardian

The education secretary’s policy switch will let schools off the hook, focusing on the ‘victims of the lack of due process’ rather than serial offenders. READ MORE»

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