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Variety's Hall of Fame
Top entertainment executives came together at Variety's Inclusion Summit to discuss how businesses are making a social impact in diversity. 

During the Corporate Advocacy panel presented by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Jay Tucker, UCLA’s executive director of the Center for Management of Enterprise in Media, Entertainment & Sports, moderated a conversation about the need for diversity in company values, projects and hiring procedures. 


According to Participant Media’s Chief Impact Officer Holly Gordon, inclusion drives all business decisions from what movies to make to which artists it chooses to work with. 

Fellow panelist LOL Network's Thai Randolph outlined key performance indicators and explained that companies can be diversity-focused while still being financially successful. 
UTA Chief Financial Officer Lyndsay Harding agreed with Randolph and added that beyond financial success, it is important to be a change agent and collaborate with clients to drive social movements.

Corporate responsibility for diversity was also discussed on the panel, as Global Diversity & Inclusion Executive Alex Rhodes shared that Bank of America integrates inclusion efforts into all areas of the company including its internal hiring practices, their networking and mentorship programs, as well as external partnerships. 

"If we can provide the opportunities for those stories to be told, to really create content that compels social change, that does fit our narrative as a bank," said Rhodes.
Check out the full panel conversation on HERE